During Writing Workshop we will continue to learn and practice writing procedural text. Last week, we wrote “How to’s” as a class to illustrate the steps of a procedure. This week the students goal will be to independently choose a subject and write a “how to”. They will use the writing process to complete their own piece of procedural text. We will also explore the world of adjectives. We will brainstorm a list of adjectives, describing words, as we complete our writing projects.
Words Their Way:
Green group: ap and ag Word families (nap, map, wag, flag)
Blue group: s, t, and st blend (sink, tire, star)
Red group: Short vowels before nt, nd, and nk (print, blend, thank)
Reading Workshop:
During Reading Workshop this week we will explore Halloween Fiction! We will identify procedural parts of texts as
we read fun stories such as It’s Pumpkin Time, The Biggest Pumpkin Ever and
Hallowiener! We will read Time for Kids:
Boo to explore non-fiction text that includes current events in and around our
This week in math we will be reviewing skills/concepts taught
during the first nine weeks of school. We will apply all the
skills/concepts to Halloween problem solving. Each child will be
encouraged to choose a strategy, sometimes two and use their own words to
explain their thinking for the problem. Although this may seem easy, to
some it is very difficult to put their thoughts on paper and explain how to
solve the problem step by step!
This week during Science we will be exploring and investigating heat as a force of energy. We will utilize engaging video clips from BrainPopJr and United Streaming to learn. We will explore energy you can feel, see and hear! We will use graphic organizers to record our learning and thoughts in our Science Notebook.
We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.
Thank you!
Vedula Family- Tuesday Folders
Simona Padurean- Hanging work in the hallway
Fatima Valimohammed- Classroom Chores
Conferences...If you have not signed up for a conference with me, please do so soon! I would like to have all of them done by the end of this month. Thanks!
Dates to Remember:
November 3: PTA Harvest Festival
November 14: Thanksgiving Lunch in the Cafeteria
November 15: Skate Night
November 21-23: Thanksgiving Holidays
November 28: Family Spirit Night at Corner Street Bakery
December 13: Family Art Night
December 21-January 7: Winter Break
If you have any Box Tops, please send them to school with your child.