Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22-25

Writing Workshop:

In Writer’s Workshop we continue our learning about Small Moments.  We will learn to shorten our prewriting as we draw across pages to sketching instead.  We will add details to our writing in words and sentences.  We will also thinking about extending our story beyond just a beginning, middle and end to telling a story across 5 fingers. 

Words Their Way:
Green:  ig, ip, ill word families
Blue:  p, l, pl blends
Red:  Contractions

Reading Workshop:
 In Reading Workshop we will learn about how Media Literacy communicates messages to us.  We will examine newspapers, magazines and advertisements.  We will read and think about the message the author is trying to send the reader.  At the end of our unit we will make our own advertisements!  Be looking in our hallways for our work!

In math we will continue our unit on Geometry.  We will focus on 3D shapes.  We will learn about the attributes of 3D shapes and what makes them special.  We will focus on vocabulary such as flat surfaces, vertex, and vertices. 

In Science we will begin our Earth Science unit on Natural Resources, Rocks and Minerals.  A note along with a baggie will be coming home for your child to bring back an artifact.  We will discuss characteristics of living versus non-living things.  We will discuss how natural resources are used and how we can help conserve them.

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Dates to Remember:
January 31:  Science Fair
February 6:  Early Release Day
February 14:  Valentine Party 
February 18:  No School/Bad weather day #1
March 2:  Family Dinner Night
March 6:  Early Release Day
March 11-15:  Spring Break
March 19:  Skate Night
March 29:  No School/Bad weather day #2

Monday, January 14, 2013

January 14-18

Writing Workshop:
In Writer’s Workshop we will be learning about Small Moments.  We will read mentor texts such as Ezra Jack Keat’s The Snowy Day and discuss how authors take a small piece of time and write about it in detail.  We will focus on writing stories from our own experiences.  We will also be focusing on using and going through the entire writing process.  This is a very exciting time for the kiddos!

Words Their Way:
Green:  Short u word families (ut, un, ug)
Blue:  sc, sn, sw blends
Red:  Short a and ar vowel sounds

Reading Workshop:

In Reading Workshop we begin learning how to draw inferences.  We will practice inferring with objects and books.  We will use the clues on the cover of books and in the titles to draw a conclusion about the story.  We will do a special activity during the week!  Look for it in the hallways.
We will also read and study Historical Fiction.  We will read stories such as Apples to Oregon, which is a fiction story with real historical details.

In math we will begin our unit on Geometry.  This week we will focus on 2D shapes.  We will manipulate shapes, draw pictures and label the parts of each shape and solve problems involving shapes.  We will discuss the attributes of shapes and play “Guess that Shape”. 

Social Studies:
In Social Studies we will continue our unit on Citizens Who Shape our Community.  This week we will focus on contributors.  We will learn about the contributions of George Washington, Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr.  We will make timelines to study their lives.  We will put important dates on our timelines to show their achievements.

Thank you! 
Ms. Stevens for all of your help.  You had a great first week!

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Dates to Remember:
January 21:  MLK Day, No School
January 31:  Science Fair
February 6:  Early Release Day
February 14:  Valentine Party

Monday, January 7, 2013

January 7-11

Writing Workshop:

In Writer’s Workshop we will be writing Snow stories.  Students will have the choices to read a variety of fiction texts about snow and snow men and create their own story.  They can also choose to write a true story about an experience they had on a winter day.  Giving children the ability to choose their writing topic allows them to have creative freedom over their final product.  They will complete their story using the writing process.

Word Study:
Green:  eg, en, et word families
Blue:  sp, sm, sk blends
Red:  short o and or words (r controlled vowels)

Reading Workshop:

In Reading Workshop we begin our study of Biographies.  W will learn about what a biography is, what if contains and why it’s an important piece of literature.  We will read a variety of biographies and learn facts about famous people who’ve contributed to our community.  We will also be discussing how and what readers can think about during reading.

In math we will learn about time!  We will review telling time to the hour, then move on to telling time to the half hour.  We will tell time using analog and digital clocks.  We will make our own clocks to use during our unit and will color code the hands on the clock.  Please practice this skill at home using a clock with hands (analog) and a digital clock.  We will practice approximating time such as does it take about 1 minute or 1 hour to tie your shoes?  We will discuss activities that take about 1 minute, about 30 minutes and about 1 hour.

Social Studies:
In Social Studies our unit of study will be Citizens Who Shape our Community.  For the next two weeks we will examine inventors and contributors in our city, state and nation who’ve contributed to our community.  This week we will focus on inventors.  What is an inventor?  Who are some inventors you know of? How did they contribute to our community?  We will read about 3 different inventors and compare their accomplishments.

Thank you!
*EVERYONE for such a wonderful Holiday party and for the wonderful gifts.  They are all very appreciated!

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Dates to Remember:
January 21:  MLK Day, No School
January 31:  Science Fair
February 6:  Early Release Day
February 14:  Valentine Party