In Writer’s Workshop we continue our learning about Small
Moments. We will learn to shorten our
prewriting as we draw across pages to sketching instead. We will add details to our writing in words
and sentences. We will also thinking
about extending our story beyond just a beginning, middle and end to telling a
story across 5 fingers.
Words Their Way:
Green: ig, ip, ill word families
Blue: p, l, pl blends
Red: Contractions
Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will learn about how Media Literacy communicates
messages to us. We will examine
newspapers, magazines and advertisements.
We will read and think about the message the author is trying to send
the reader. At the end of our unit we
will make our own advertisements! Be
looking in our hallways for our work!
In math we will continue our unit on Geometry. We will focus on 3D shapes. We will learn about the attributes of 3D
shapes and what makes them special. We
will focus on vocabulary such as flat surfaces, vertex, and vertices.
In Science we will begin our Earth Science unit on Natural
Resources, Rocks and Minerals. A note
along with a baggie will be coming home for your child to bring back an
artifact. We will discuss
characteristics of living versus non-living things. We will discuss how natural resources are
used and how we can help conserve them.
We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.
Dates to Remember:
January 31: Science Fair
February 6: Early Release Day
February 14: Valentine Party
February 18: No School/Bad weather day #1
March 2: Family Dinner Night
March 6: Early Release Day
March 11-15: Spring Break
March 19: Skate Night
March 29: No School/Bad weather day #2