This week, we are starting a new program in our classroom. We are learning 7 Habits to help us at school, at home, and in our community.
This week we are practicing Habit #1: Be Proactive (I am responsible. I am in charge of my actions, attitude, and mood.)
Writing Workshop:
In Writer’s Workshop we will begin our Fairy Tale
Writing! We transfer our knowledge from
what we’ve learned during Reading Workshop with the Elements of a Fairy Tale
and we begin to write our own Fairy Tales.
Words Their Way:
Green: h, sh, and ch Diagraphs
Blue: bl, br, gr, and gl Blends
Red: Long o and Short o vowel sounds
Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will continue our unit on Fairy
Tales! We’ve discussed the Elements of a
Fairy Tale and how magic is a main theme in these stories. We read a new Fairy Tale each day and
practice our comprehension strategies during Reading Workshop. We will also
investigate Fractured Fairy Tales. We
will read different fractured Fairy Tales and discuss how they are different or
the same.
In math we will continue our learning of Subtraction facts.
We will practice our facts, learn and apply new strategies and use our new
skills to solve problems.
Social Studies:
In Social Studies we are learning about culture. We will have mini celebrations all week. On Monday we will observe Chinese New Year
(Feb. 10) and help usher in the Year of the Snake. On Tuesday we will learn about the traditions
and history of Mardi Gras. We will also
learn about the history of Valentine’s Day as we celebrate it on Thursday. We will wrap up our week with Chocolate
To celebrate Valentine’s Day, we will have “Chocolate Fever Day” on Thursday,
February 14th and Friday, February 15th. These days will be filled with all kinds of
“chocolaty” activities.
On Thursday, we
will read the story The Chocolate Touch.
In the story, everything the little boy touches turns to chocolate! Our Valentine’s Day Party will be on Thursday, February 14th at 1:30pm-2:30pm. The kids will make ice cream sundaes, and
then open and read their valentines.
Parents and siblings are more than welcome to attend.
On Friday, your
child can come to school in pajamas, with a stuffed animal and blanket. Here’s the most important part…please draw
brown spots all over your child’s face!
You can use eyeliner, washable markers, paint, etc…. We will have “chocolate fever” all day long
and do lots of fun activities: BINGO
with M&M’s, writing about having chocolate fever, M&M graphing,
estimating how many chocolate chips are in a cookie, etc… It will be so much fun!
Thank you!
To everyone that has contributed to our treasure basket!
We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.
Dates to Remember:
February 14: Valentine Party
February 15: Chocolate Fever Day (more info soon)
February 18: No School/Bad weather day #1
March 2: Family Dinner Night
March 6: Early Release Day
March 11-15: Spring Break
March 19: Skate Night
March 29: No School/Bad weather day #2
April 2-3: No visitors on campus due to STAAR testing
April 12: Family Fun Night
April 16: Family Spirit Night
April 19: Field trip to Elgin Farm