In Writer’s Workshop we will practice recording our learning
as we finish our whole class Research book.
We will begin working on our independent research project. Each student will choose a topic, a book and
record their learning in their Research folder!
Word Study:
Green: sc, sn, sw blends (score, snow, swim)
Blue: ad, ed, ab, ob word families (sad, bed, crab, cob)
Red: short i vs. long i (CVCe) (hike, drive, rich, fish)
Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will continue our unit on Research! We will learn about paraphrasing and
synthesizing information. We will review
taking notes as we read our research books.
We will write notes on sticky notes and then synthesize that information
and write it in or own words. The end
product will be written during Writer’s Workshop.
In math we will begin our unit on Fractions! We will discuss and examine whole shapes and
things as well as half shapes and things.
We will learn to write a fraction and describe objects using fractions.
In Science this week we will begin our unit on Chickens! We will learn about a chicken’s life cycle,
the development of an egg, adaptations of a chicken, what they eat, habitat and
species of chickens. We will read
information to help us learn about the new additions to our classroom!
Ms. Stevens started her total teach this past Monday and will continue through April 5. I have been in and out of the classroom throughout the day, and helping when needed. We do sit down and discuss plans every day, and she is doing a wonderful job.
I have been seeing some behavior that I am not very proud of though. Please talk with your child and remind them that respectful behavior is still expected. They should still be following my expectations even though Ms. Stevens is the one teaching. She is here to learn and become more comfortable in a classroom setting, but it makes her job very difficult when there are students in the class being disruptive and disrespectful just because I am not the one teaching. This behavior is unacceptable.
Thank you!
The eggs are safely in the incubators! We are expecting baby chicks on April 10th. If you are interested in giving some of these
babies a home please let me know!
You can order books for your children online! Just go to and enter our Class Activation Code, which is HL96Y. When you order books for your child, I get to order free books for our classroom!
<3, Ms. Smith
We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.
Dates to Remember:
March 29: No School/Bad weather day #2
April 2-3: No visitors on campus due to STAAR testing
April 10: Chicks should begin hatching!
April 11-12: Talent Show tryouts
April 12: Family Fun Night
April 16: Family Spirit Night
April 19: Field trip to Elgin Farm
Ms. Stevens' last day :(
April 22: Earth Day!!
April 23-25: No visitors on campus due to STAAR testing
April 25: Talent show K-3
April 26: Talent show 4-5
May 1: Early Release day
May 3: Field Day!!
May 17: Career Day
May 21: Volunteer Breakfast
May 31: Students' last day