Friday, January 31, 2014

February 3-7, 2014

Math:  This week in math we will be comparing 2 dimensional shapes to 3 dimensional shapes.  We will discuss the attributes and explore 3 dimensional shapes.  Do they roll? Can you stack them? What do their faces look like?
Reading Workshop:  This week we will introduce the students to biographies.  They will learn that biographies are true stories about a real person.  Our focus will be on three characteristics of biographies: 1. Take place during a real historical time period. 2. Tell about a person's life in chronological order. 3. Written about people who have made a significant contribution to society.  

Word Study:
Green Group:  h, sh, and ch Diagraphs (hose, shack, cherry)
Blue Group:  sp, sk, and sm Blends (spoon, skip, smell)
Red Group:  Words with ir, ire, ier (girl, fire, drier)

Writing Workshop:  This week in Writing Workshop, we will continue writing Small Moments.  We will work on writing what we hear when we don’t know how to spell a word and it isn’t on our Word Wall, and sketching a picture instead of drawing before you write.  We will plan and add details to our stories so our readers can get a clear picture in their mind.  We will also work on planning our story as a beginning, middle, end story before we begin writing.
Social Studies:  This week, we will finish up our Texas unit.  We will then begin to read Biographies about a leader in our Community (Sam Houston) and Inventors (Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison).  We will talk about what a timeline is and we will create a timeline of Alexander Graham Bell’s life as well.     
Habit #7:  Sharpen the Saw.  I take care of myself.  I spend time with family and friends.  I find meaningful ways to help others. 

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
February 4:  1st Grade PE Program
February 5:  Early Release Day
February 7:  101st Day!
February 14:  Chocolate Fever Day
       Valentine’s Day Party
February 17:  Bad Weather Make Up Day- We will have school this day!
March 1:  Family Dinner Night
March 3-4:  Turkey Trot
March 10-14:  Spring Break
March 19:  Early Release Day
     Family Skate Night
March 24:  Turkey Trot Make-up
April 2:  Spirit Night
May 1:  Talent Show (K-3)
May 2:  Field Day
          Talent Show (4-5)
May 5-9:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Early Release Day
May 9:  Career Day
May 12-16:  Book Fair
May 29:  End of the Year Party

May 30:  Last day of school!

Monday, January 27, 2014

January 27-31, 2014

Math:  This week in math we will continue to explore shapes. We've folded squares to see what other kinds of shapes can be made. We will sort shapes according to their attributes (sides, corners).  We will compare 2 dimensional shapes to 3 dimensional shapes.  We will learn the names of shapes we see all around us.  We will identify shapes that make up other shapes such as a cylinder has 2 circle bases.  This discovery based unit has been a lot of fun so far!!

Reading Workshop:  This week in Reading Workshop, we will be reading Fables.  Just like Fairy Tales, Fables are a type of Folktale.  Fables have animal characters with human attributes and always have a lesson (moral) to the story.  We will read The Lion and The Mouse, Fox and the Crow, The Ugly Duckling, and The Tortoise and the Hare.  While we are reading these stories, we will think about the story structure (characters, setting, problem and solution) and retelling the story by remembering what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. 

Word Study:
Green Group:  h, sh, and ch Diagraphs (hose, shack, cherry)
Blue Group:  sp, sk, and sm Blends (spoon, skip, smell)
Red Group:  Words with ir, ire, ier (girl, fire, drier)

Writing Workshop:  As we turn our focus back to non fiction writing with personal narratives this week, we will learn to think about events that have happened in our lives, then focus on only that event. We will learn that all of the things that lead up to that, as well as all of the things that happened after it, are not as important as the details of that single event that we would like to share about with our friends. We will be learning to "zoom in" on our stories.
Social Studies:  Howdy Y’all!  This week we will be learning about the customs and traditions of our community in the great state of Texas.  We will learn about different state symbols such as the Bluebonnet, Mockingbird, Pecan Tree, State Flag, and the Texas Pledge.  We will also talk about the capitol of Texas, our home, sweet, homeAustin.  We will take a step back in Texas history to learn about the Alamo.  Yee haw!
Habit #7:  Sharpen the Saw.  I take care of myself.  I spend time with family and friends.  I find meaningful ways to help others. 

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
January 30:  Science Fair
January 31:  Fairy Tale/Folktale Parade @8:15
February 4:  1st Grade PE Program
February 5:  101st Day
      Early Release Day
February 14:  Chocolate Fever Day
       Valentine’s Day Party
February 17:  Bad Weather Make Up Day- We will have school this day!
March 1:  Family Dinner Night
March 3-4:  Turkey Trot
March 10-14:  Spring Break
March 19:  Early Release Day

     Family Skate Night

Friday, January 17, 2014

January 20-24, 2014

January 20, 2014:  No school!

Math:  Students will describe and identify two- and three-dimensional shapes. The will distinguish 
between attributes that define a two-dimensional or three-dimensional figure and attributes that do not define the shape. Each student will create, classify and sort two- and three-dimensional shapes 
according to their attributes using informal and formal geometry language. The student will be able to compose two-dimensional geometric shapes by joining two, three or four figures to produce a target shape.

Reading Workshop:  This week, we will be reading Folktales.  Folktales are very similar to Fairy Tales.  3 key differences are that there are animal characters that display human characteristics, there is no magic, and there is usually a lesson to be learned.  We will read The Little Red Hen, The Three Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the Three Bears, and Little Red Riding Hood.  We will have a Fairy Tale Parade on January 31.  On this day, your child can come to school dressed up as their favorite Fairy Tale or Folktale character!  Parents are invited to attend, and we will parade around the school to show off what we have been learning and our awesome costumes! 

Word Study:
Green Group:  c, h, and ch Diagraph (coat, hook, chick)
Blue Group:  s, t, and st Blend (sun, top, star)
Red Group:  Words with er, ear, eer, and ear=ur (her, hear, deer, heard)

Writing Workshop:  As we head into another week of fictional writing, we will continue to refer back on all that we have learned about the elements of fairy tales, folktales, and fables. We have been applying our new learning by putting pencils, markers, and crayons to paper and working hard at crafting our own amazing stories. We will also be discussing and writing about our favorite fairy tale and folktale characters as the week progresses. 
Science:  This week we will continue to learn about weather.  We will learn about different kind of weather such as sunny, warm, cold, windy, rainy, snowy and windy.  We will also learn about different types of precipitation such as rain, snow and sleet and sever/extreme weather such as flooding tornado, and hurricane.
Habit #7:  Sharpen the Saw.  I take care of myself.  I spend time with family and friends.  I find meaningful ways to help others. 

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
January 20:  No School
January 22:  International Festival
January 30:  Science Fair
February 4:  1st Grade PE Program
February 5:  Early Release Day
March 1:  Family Dinner Night
March 3-4:  Turkey Trot
March 10-14:  Spring Break

March 19:  Early Release Day and Family Skate Night

Monday, January 13, 2014

January 13-17, 2014

Math: This week in math we will be finishing up our unit on telling time to the hour and the half hour.  We will continue to practice this throughout the year.  After time, we will be moving on to Comparing and Ordering Whole Numbers.  The students will be using whole numbers all the way to 120!  We will work on generating, comparing (greater than, less than, or equal to), and ordering numbers. 

Reading Workshop:  This week we are continuing our unit on Fairy Tales.  We will continue to identify the characters, setting, problem and solution for each story.  We will also read a few fractured fairy tales this week and compare and contrast them with the original versions using a Venn Diagram.  The children are having so much fun and love having the role of  "element detectives" with fairy tales.  Ask your child to identify the elements of a fairy tale! 

Word Study:
Green Group:  s, h, and sh Diagraph (sock, horse, shirt)
Blue Group:  sh, ch, th, and wh Diagraph (shave, cheese, thorn, whale)
Red Group:  Words with ar, are, air (harm, care, stair)

Writing Workshop:  As we learned all about elements of fairy tales last week, we began writing our own fictional stories that contain some of the same elements as fairy tales. This week, we will take our stories through the entire writing process and end with a published piece. Please be on the lookout for our excellent work in the halls! 

Science:  This week we will learn about weather. Weather is what is happening in the atmosphere at a certain place.  Temperature, wind, and precipitation are all parts of weather. There would be no weather without the sun.  The suns heat causes clouds, winds, and precipitation to form. This week we will learn about windy, rainy, cloudy and foggy weather.
Habit #6:  Synergize.  I value other people’s strengths and learn from them.  I seek out other people’s ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.

Dates to remember:
January 20:  No School
January 22:  International Festival
January 30:  Science Fair
February 4:  1st Grade PE Program
February 5:  Early Release Day
March 1:  Family Dinner Night
March 3-4:  Turkey Trot
March 10-14:  Spring Break

March 19:  Early Release Day and Family Skate Night

Teacher Note:  We have a new face in our classroom!  As of today, we will have a student teacher with us.  Her name is Jennifer Esparza.  She will be sending out a letter of introduction to all of you soon.

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

January 6-10, 2014

Math: This week in math we will be learning about analog and digital clocks. We will practice telling time to the hour and half hour. This unit is one week. We will continue to practice this skill daily as the year goes on!

Reading Workshop:  This week in reading workshop we will begin reading Fairy Tales.  This is such a fun unit for the students, and it’s one of my favorites too!  We will learn that there are specific elements in the story that set Fairy Tales apart from other stories.  We will read several different Fairy Tales, such as Cinderella, The Princess and the Pea, and Rapunzel.  While the students are listening to these Fairy Tales, they will be asked to think about the characters in the story, the setting, the plot and the problem and solution. 

Word Study:
Green Group:  ip, ig, and ill word families (rip, pig, hill)
Blue Group:  th and wh diagraphs (thirteen, whistle)
Red Group:  Review for CVVC Pattern (ai, oa, ee, ea)  (wait, coast, cheek, read)

Writing Workshop:  This week in Writing Workshop, we will begin to learn how to write a creative story.  We have written personal narratives, all about texts, how to texts, and letters.  This will be the first time that we will use our creative imaginations to write a story!  We will learn to incorporate characters, setting, plot and problem and solution in our stories. 
Social Studies:  This week, we will begin talking about Landforms and Bodies of Water.  We will learn about mountain, hill, valley, plains, and island.  We will then make a Landforms Dictionary.  After that, we will learn about rivers, streams, lakes, and oceans.  We will make a Bodies of Water flipbook. 
Habit #6:  Synergize.  I value other people’s strengths and learn from them.  I seek out other people’s ideas because I know that by teaming with others, we can create better solutions than anyone of us can alone.

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.

Dates to remember:
January 7:  2nd Semester Begins
January 20:  No School
January 22:  International Festival
January 30:  Science Fair
February 4:  1st Grade PE Program
February 5:  Early Release Day
March 1:  Family Dinner Night
March 3-4:  Turkey Trot
March 10-14:  Spring Break

March 19:  Early Release Day and Family Skate Night