Tuesday, April 28, 2015

April 27-May 1, 2015

From now on, there will be no homework sent home.  Starting this Monday, I will begin the end of the year reading assessment.  This is a special time where each child reads to me individually and I will assess their reading skills based on their comprehension and fluency. The reading assessment will take a few weeks to complete. As always, your child needs to be reading at home daily using books, or on-line resources such as RAZ-kids, pebble-Go, or Makin-VIA.


Field Day is on this Friday, May 1st at 12:30-2:20  The children will be doing different P.E. related activities and have lots of fun!  Please have your child wear comfortable exercise clothes and send a small towel, extra pairs of socks and clothing in a small bag.  There are couple of water stations/activities.
Our lunch time is at 10:45-11:20 on Field Day.

We are continuing with our unit on poetry and we will be learning how to find inspiration in our hearts to write poetry.  What really matters to you?  We will start the week off exploring different feeling/emotion words and follow it up with writing a feelings/emotion poem.  Next we will explore the concrete or shape poetry. In this type of poetry, the words form shapes which illustrates the poem's subject as a picture. The last set of poetry we will explore this week will be poetry using our 5 senses.We will read different examples, focusing on the parts with the 5 senses and write our own poems using sensory words.
This week we will start a measurement unit and explore the capacity and weight of 3-D shapes.  We will define capacity as the amount that something can hold and use vocabulary such as full, half full, or empty to describe the capacity of various sized containers.  We will use non-standard units such as scoops of rice, or glasses of water to measure the capacity of three-dimensional objects. We will also use non-standard units such as linking cubes and balancing tools to compare the weight of 3-D objects.

We will continue our plant unit and learn about different parts of plant and their function.  We will learn that roots carry the water and nutrients from the soil, stems hold up the plant and transport the nutrients and water from the roots to other parts of plant and leaves make food.  We will also learn about the plant life cycle.  We will plant a Lima bean and watch the growth process by observing the growing roots, shooting stem and leaves.  

HABIT #4: Think Win-Win: I balance the courage of getting what I want with consideration of others.
*Specials- A Group:  PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                   B Group:  PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
**Wear tennis shoes for sure on these days!!!!
*Library- Tuesday 11-11:30
*Send orange folders and homework bags back every day.
*Send a healthy snack with your child every day.
 We will eat snack at 10:30

May 1:  Field Day
May 4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
May 11-15:  Book Fair
May 14:  Caraway Fine Arts Night
May 21:  Volunteer Breakfast
May 25:  No School, Memorial Day
June 5:  Last Day of School, End of the Year Party

Monday, April 20, 2015

April 20-23, 2015

This week we will begin a new genre, my most favorite of all, Poetry. We will learn about the features of poetry. Poems have short lines with no punctuation most of the times. There are repeating words or phrases in poetry. Poems sometimes rhyme and sometimes they don't. Poems have rhythms, some are songs and some could be silly and funny. We will think about how poets see the world in different, fresh and unusual ways. The students will make inferences with poetry as a strategy to comprehend the poem. We will also discover sensory language in poetry and understand that sensory images help us visualize the poem and make it more interesting for readers. In writing we will “See with Poets’ Eyes” as we begin writing about ordinary objects in different ways. We will learn that poems are big thoughts in little packages. 
This week we will learn about 3-D shapes.  We will identify three-dimensional figures such as spheres, cones, cylinders, rectangular prisms (including cubes), and triangular prisms and describe their attributes using geometric language such as flat surface, curved surface, having corners or not any corners, being able to stack or not. We will look at everyday objects around us and compare them to the 3-D shapes that we are learning about.

This week we will learn about plants, their parts and the function of each part.
 We will compare and contrast the parts of one plant to another and find the similarities and differences.  For example, we will compare the roots of carrots and radish and see how the stem of celery and parsley can be different.

HABIT #4: Think Win-Win: I balance the courage of getting what I want with consideration of others.
*Specials- A Group:  PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                   B Group:  PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
**Wear tennis shoes for sure on these days!!!!
*Library- Tuesday 11-11:30
*Send orange folders and homework bags back every day.
*Send a healthy snack with your child every day.
 We will eat snack at 10:30

April 20-23:  STAAR testing
May 1:  Field Day
May 4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
May 11-15:  Book Fair
May 14:  Caraway Fine Arts Night
May 21:  Volunteer Breakfast
May 25:  No School, Memorial Day

June 5:  Last Day of School, End of the Year Party

Monday, April 13, 2015

April 13-17, 2015

This is it! The chicks will hatch this week! Look for pictures and videos through email. We are all so excited!

We are continuing with our animal research this week.  The children are doing a great job finding the information in their research book, summarizing it and recording it in their own words.  They are using all the tools in the non-fiction books such as table of contents, real photos, captions, labels, maps and diagrams to find the answers to their questions.  We also use on-line sources such as Pebble Go or other reliable sources to find the information that we are looking for. There are times that we find an expert (friends that know so much about a particular animal) and ask them some of our questions. We have quite a few experts in our classroom so far, but I can see that by the end of this unit we are all going to be research/animal experts!

This week we will review and work more on place value.  We will use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 120 in more than one way as so many hundreds, so many tens, and so many ones. For example one hundred can be shown as 100 ones, 10 groups of tens, or 1 one hundred.  This will help us to read and write three-digit numbers that do not involve teens.  For example, 105 has one 100, 0 tens and 5 ones. We will use our knowledge of place value and apply it in math problem solving.  

This week we will continue our PBL (Project Based Learning) about litter and our animals, the ecosystem that they live in and the impact that they have in our community.
 We have done some research about how litter can be harmful to animals and ways we can help.  This week, we will be making posters to put around the school to raise awareness about the effects of littering. 

HABIT #4: Think Win-Win: I balance the courage of getting what I want with consideration of others.
*Specials- A Group:  PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                   B Group:  PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
**Wear tennis shoes for sure on these days!!!!
*Library- Tuesday 11-11:30
*Send orange folders and homework bags back every day.
*Send a healthy snack with your child every day.
 We will eat snack at 10:30

April 15:  Chicks start to hatch!!!!!!!
May 1:  Field Day
May 4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
May 11-15:  Book Fair
May 14:  Caraway Fine Arts Night
May 21:  Volunteer Breakfast
May 25:  No School, Memorial Day
June 5:  Last Day of School, End of the Year Party

Monday, April 6, 2015

April 6-10, 2015

Our first graders did a fantastic job researching facts and information about chicks.  I can tell you that they are all becoming research experts! This week we will move on to independent research about animals.  On Tuesday, each student chose an animal book from the three animal groups of birds, fish and mammals.  We have kept the library books in our classroom and this week students are going to do independent research about their animal's body parts, habitat, food, movement, life cycle and any other interesting facts.  The students are going to conduct a book research as well as an on-line research on Pebble-Go.
This week we will apply our problem solving strategies to solve a variety of math word problem involving time, money, addition and subtraction.  In first grade we emphasize on showing the steps in solving the problem.  These steps involve reading the problem carefully, underlining important data and information, drawing picture and show any strategy that they have learned such as number line, addition and subtraction strategies to solve the problem.  Showing the steps in an organized form allow the students to understand the problem better and be able to think more thoroughly. 

This week in science we are taking our knowledge of animals, their habitats and interdependency of living things and using it to take a closer look at our
 neighborhood and animals that live in our community.  We will start a project that focuses on how deer impact our community.

HABIT #4: Think Win-Win: I balance the courage of getting what I want with consideration of others.
*Specials- A Group:  PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
                   B Group:  PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
**Wear tennis shoes for sure on these days!!!!
*Library- Tuesday 11-11:30
*Send orange folders and homework bags back every day.
*Send a healthy snack with your child every day.
 We will eat snack at 10:30

April 10:  Family Fun Night
April 15:  Chicks start to hatch!!!!!!!
May 1:  Field Day
May 4-8:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
May 11-15:  Book Fair
May 14:  Caraway Fine Arts Night
May 21:  Volunteer Breakfast
May 25:  No School, Memorial Day

June 5:  Last Day of School, End of the Year Party