Tuesday, April 26, 2016

April 25-29, 2016

Thank you for the yummy food!
On behalf of all teachers and staff at Caraway, we thank our wonderful first grade parents and families for throwing such a fantastic Festive Friday for us! Thank you all for your thoughtfulness and generosity.  The food was wonderful and delicious, the picnic tables were so beautifully arranged, and the weather couldn't have cooperated better.  Thank you for all that you do for us!

End of the Year Reading Assessments
I will be starting the End of the Year Reading Assessment next week.  This is a time that I will be reading with each child individually to assess their reading level and readiness for next year.    Please continue to visit the library (public or school library) and encourage your child to use RAZ-kids to read at home.  Your child knows that they need to complete the quiz for each book before moving on to the next book or next level.  
The RAZ-kids log-in is asmith196.

Spring PBL Project
This spring, our first graders will research and investigate ways to grow non-traditional gardens. They will discuss and brainstorm ideas to educate and help our community and families to grow non-traditional, yet sustainable gardens.
Whether we live in a house or an apartment, we can find small spaces that don't require as much space and resources and plant a vegetable garden to meet our needs or at least part of our needs. In the spirit of Earth Day, being "Green", reducing and re-using, we will come up with some small, efficient, and transportable gardens.

We have been learning about different genres and this week we will learn about some of the beloved children's stories and their authors.
 Authors have different purposes in their writing.  Some try to inform and teach us and some try to entertain or humor us.  Authors have different styles in their writing and illustrations.  Leo Leonni uses paper collage for his illustration, and his stories have animal characters. Tomie Depaola's stories are mostly about his childhood.  Jack Ezra Keats' stories also take place in his childhood neighborhood.  The children will understand and appreciate that real authors are ordinary people that take ordinary events in their lives and turn them into extraordinary stories.

We will continue our family writing. This will be similar to writing expository texts since we are all expert about our families and we know each and every member of our family very well.
 We know what they like, what they don't like, what they like to do in their free time and so on.  Each day we will write about one member of our family including us.  We will make our writings into a book about us and our families.  We will emphasize on complete sentences, capitalization and punctuation, using the word wall list to spell the sight words correctly and revising and editing our work. 
This week we will use base ten blocks, pictures, and expanded and standard forms to represent numbers up to 120. We will use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers to 120.
 For example 117 is made of one 100 block, one ten block and 7 ones. We will generate a number that is greater than or less than any given number up to 120.

As part of our PBL project, we will learn about plants, their parts and the function of each part.
 We will learn that roots carry the water and nutrients from the soil, stems hold up the plant and transport the nutrients and water from the roots to other parts of plant and leaves make food.  We will also learn about the plant life cycle and discuss things that plants need to grow such as good soil, water and sun. 

Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.
 Your child's success and education is a result of, us working together! So thank you for being a partner in your child's learning!

*Tuesday folders come home.  Please sign and return the folders the next day.
*Agendas:  Please initial the behavior calendar and send it back every day.
*Snack:  Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
*PE:  Group A will have PE on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
       Group B will have PE on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
          *Please make sure your child wears Tennis shoes on those days*
        *You can see what group your child is in on the right side of this blog*
*Next library day is Tuesday, April 26.
*Homework bags come back to school every day.  Please leave the books and response notebook in the bag.  We will use them during the day at school!

May 2-6:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 4:  Early Release @ 12:45
May 6:  Field Day
May 9-11:  STAAR testing (no visitors on campus these days!)
May 16-20:  Book Fair
May 19:  Spring Open House
May 20:  Field Day
May 27:  Career Fair
May 30:  No School- Memorial Day

June 2:  End of the Year Party, Last day of School

Monday, April 18, 2016

April 18-22, 2016

Thank you all so much for taking time off from work and busy life schedule in the middle of the day and joined us for Shamrock 'n Roll on Friday! Your children were so happy to see you and I am most appreciative as always.  Coach Cavazos said that we had the highest parent participation! Thank you!

Last week, our classroom was filled with the sound of excitement and chirping chicks on Thursday and Friday! This has been a great opportunity for the kids to observe part of the life cycle in the classroom.  We ended up with 8 chicks, and we were so happy with that (last year only 1 egg out of 12 hatched).  The kiddos got to sit in a circle and watch the chicks walk around.  They even got to hold a chick!  It was a very exciting time!

We will continue our genre study and we will review and learn more about different genres of fiction such as traditional literature, fantasy, and realistic fiction. Traditional stories are stories that are passed down from one group to another in history. They include fairy tales, fables, and myths from different cultures. Fantasy are stories that have magical elements, and are make-believe and realistic fiction are stories that although they might have made up
 characters, they could happen in real life.

We will begin writing Small Moments again.  This is a true story about something that happened to the author.  The trick is, it is not a bed to bed story (a story that retells an entire day from the time you wake up until the time you go to bed).  Small Moment stories focus in on one small part of the experience and retell that one part in great detail.  We will also be talking about the writing process and then applying that process in our writing. 
Writing Process:
1.     Think and Plan entire story (beginning, middle and end)
2.   Sketch pictures (beginning, middle and end)
3.   Write words
4.   Revise (Add/Delete words to make it better)
5.    Edit (Check capitalization/punctuation and word wall words to make it right)
6.     Publish (Add detail/color to pictures and copy words in neatest handwriting to make it fancy)

Earlier in the year, we learned about telling time to the hour and this week, we will focus on telling time to half-hour. As part of fraction and partitioning two dimensional figures into two or four equal parts, we will use a circular analog clock and understand time to half hour.
 We will look at both analog and digital clocks and learn that time is shown differently on each of these clocks.  The short hand in the analog clock points to the "hour" and the long hand points to the "minute".  In digital clock time is shown by digits.  The digit before the two dots shows the hour and the digits after two dots show the minute.   

For the past month, we have been learning about different animal groups.  Now we are going to be talking about interdependence, which is how organisms depend on each other in their habitat.  We will talk about how animals depend on each other and how animals depend on the plants in their habitat as well.

Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.
 Your child's success and education is a result of, us working together! So thank you for being a partner in your child's learning!

*Tuesday folders come home.  Please sign and return the folders the next day.
*Agendas:  Please initial the behavior calendar and send it back every day.
*Snack:  Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
*PE:  Group A will have PE on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
       Group B will have PE on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
          *Please make sure your child wears Tennis shoes on those days*
        *You can see what group your child is in on the right side of this blog*
*Next library day is Tuesday, April 26.
*Homework bags come back to school every day.  Please leave the books and response notebook in the bag.  We will use them during the day at school!

Apr 23:  Earth Day Clean Up
May 2-6:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 4:  Early Release @ 12:45
May 6:  Field Day
May 19:  Spring Open House
May 27:  Career Fair
May 30:  No School- Memorial Day
June 2:  End of the Year Party, Last day of School

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

April 4-8, 2016

I Hope you all had a great time at Family Fun Night! Here are a few reminders for this week: 
We will continue our research on chicks. The children have been working on their research books and have found the answers to many questions such as the life cycle of chicks, how does the chick grow inside an egg, and the stages of chick development. This week we will wrap up our chick research and move on to writing small moments or personal narratives.  We will review the writing process (think, sketch, and write), and write small moments that have happened in our lives.  Please have your child practice the first grade sight words at home.  A copy of those words are in your child's daily folder. The children should be able to spell them correctly by the end of first grade.
We will continue working on inequality and comparing numbers.  We will review that equal sign represents a relationship where expressions on each side of the equal sign represent the same values and inequality represent different values.  We will use objects and pictorial models to solve word problems involving joining, separating and comparing sets within 20.

This week we will learn about families wants and basic needs, and how these needs are being met. We will identify examples of goods and services at home, school, and community and ways people exchange goods and services.

Thank you to Mandy Hubbard for coming in to read with the kiddos!
Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.  Your child's success and education is a result of, us working together! So thank you for being a partner in your child's learning!

*Tuesday folders come home.  Please sign and return the folders the next day.
*Agendas:  Please initial the behavior calendar and send it back every day.
*Snack:  Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
*PE:  Group A will have PE on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
       Group B will have PE on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
          *Please make sure your child wears Tennis shoes on those days*
        *You can see what group your child is in on the right side of this blog*
*Next library day is Tuesday, April 12.
*Homework bags come back to school every day.  Please leave the books and response notebook in the bag.  We will use them during the day at school!

Apr 7:  Science Night @ 6 pm
Apr 8:  ShamRock ‘n Roll
Apr 14:  Chicks will hatch!
Apr 23:  Earth Day Clean Up
May 2-6:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 4:  Early Release @ 12:45
May 6:  Field Day
May 19:  Spring Open House
May 27:  Career Fair
May 30:  No School- Memorial Day

June 2:  End of the Year Party, Last day of School