Monday, September 24, 2018

September 24-28, 2018

Wow!  We had a great day in our classroom!  I am very proud of our kiddos!

Reader bags will begin going home tomorrow.  There will be 1 book in the bag.  The book will be on your child’s independent reading level, so they should not be too challenging.  The goal is to improve your child’s accuracy, fluency and comprehension.  The green leveled readers have comprehension activities in the back on page 11 if you would like some direction in that area.  If your child is doing well with the book, I will trade them out on Wednesday during the week.
Monday- New book goes home
Wednesday- Can bring book back to trade out if needed
Friday- Books due back.

Also, the green books are property of the district, so please be sure to keep up with them.  If a book is lost or ruined, you will be responsible for replacing it.  They are only sold in groups of 6, so you will not be able to purchase just 1 book, you will have to purchase the entire set of 6.

The bags were purchased with my own money, so please be sure to keep up with them as well. 

Parent/Teacher conferences are coming up!  Look out for a sign-up sheet soon!

Monday (9/24):  
 Tuesday (9/25): Tuesday folders will come home.
                         No Library this week
                          Reader Bags come home
Wednesday (9/26):
Thursday (9/27):
Friday (9/28):  Reader Bags due
                          Caraway Academy- Week 2
***Please make sure your child wears tennis shoes on Tues, Thurs, & Fri***

This week in Writing Workshop…
We will continue working on our small moment stories.  We will discuss how writers narrow their topic down to make our stories more interesting.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our stories so that it makes sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun ‘I’.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.  In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks.

This week in Math…
We will continue learning how to solve addition problems using various strategies.  We will work with many different math tools to help us, such as a number track, a hundred chart, manipulatives and pictures. The students will create their own math story problem!

This week in Reading Workshop…
We will begin thinking about different elements of fiction.  We will think about what makes a story fiction.  We will discuss the plot, setting and characters in a fiction story.  The students will learn how to retell a story and learn that making connections to themselves, other texts, and events in the world around them can help them to understand the story better.  We will continue to respond orally during partner reading and will continue to build stamina during independent reading time.  We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.

This week in Social Studies…
We will be learning about some of our nation’s symbols such as the Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty.  We will also discuss the importance of Constitution Day as a day to celebrate our country’s freedoms!

This week in Science…
We will continue learning about Changes from Heat. We will focus on the question, What happens to different materials when they are heated?  The students will observe what happens to crayons when they are heated.  Later, we will also observe what happens to drink mix (Gatorade mix) when we remove heat by putting them in the freezer.  This will be an edible experiment.  Please let me know if you would prefer that your child not eat the homemade Popsicle.

The Life Skill of the Week is…
Problem Solving- to create solutions to difficult situations and everyday problems.

Important Dates:
Sept. 29: Caraway 40 Year Reunion
Oct. 11: Walk/Bike to School
Oct. 19: Sock Hop @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Oct. 25: Math Night @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Nov. 2:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theater (More info coming later!)
Nov. 15: Thanksgiving Luncheon
Nov. 16: Adventure Dash
Nov. 19-23: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 10-14: Book Fair
Dec. 13: International Festival
Dec. 19: Winter Party
Dec. 20-Jan. 7: Winter Break

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

September 17-21, 2018

Whew! We have already had a busy week!    

I have been getting IXL certificates in my email, so I know your kiddos have been practicing! Please make sure they are working in the 1st Grade section.

I am planning to have beginning of the year reading assessments finished up by this Friday.  I will begin sending books home with your kiddos soon!

Monday (9/17):  
 Tuesday (9/18): Tuesday folders will come home.
                         Library- Check out only.  Everyone returned their books!!
Wednesday (9/19):
Thursday (9/20): Riata Round-Up @ 6:30
Friday (9/21):  

This week in Writing Workshop…
We will begin learning how to write a small moment story.  A small moment story is a tiny part of an experience that is written in detail.  We will discuss how writers narrow their topic down to make our stories more interesting.  We will continue to think about how we can organize our stories so that it makes sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun ‘I’.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.  In science and social studies, we will record facts and observations in our various notebooks.

This week in Math…
We will continue learning how to solve addition problems using the count on strategy.  We will apply the count on strategy in problem-solving situations.  We will work with many different math tools to help us, such as a number track, a hundred chart, manipulatives and pictures.

This week in Reading Workshop…
We will begin thinking about different elements of fiction.  We will think about what makes a story fiction.  We will discuss the plot, setting and characters in a fiction story.  The students will learn how to retell a story and learn that making connections to themselves, other texts, and events in the world around them can help them to understand the story better.  We will continue to respond orally during partner reading and will continue to build stamina during independent reading time.  We will be meeting in small groups to discuss various reading strategies to increase accuracy, comprehension and fluency.

This week in Social Studies…
We will be learning about more great leaders of our country such as Eleanor Roosevelt and Ben Franklin.  We will also learn about the Star-Spangled Banner.  We will discuss how these leaders showed good citizenship for our country and ways we can show good citizenship, too.

This week in Science…
We will learn about Changes from Heat. We will focus on the question, What happens to different materials when they are heated?  The students will observe what happens to crayons when they are heated.  Later, we will also observe what happens to drink mix (Gatorade mix) when we remove heat by putting them in the freezer.  This will be an edible experiment.  Please let me know if you would prefer that your child not eat the homemade Popsicle.

The Life Skill of the Week is…
Integrity- We will think about why it is important to always do the right thing.

Important Dates:
Sept. 20: Riata Round-Up @ 6:30 pm
Sept. 29: Caraway 40 Year Reunion
Oct. 11: Walk/Bike to School
Oct. 19: Sock Hop @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Oct. 25: Math Night @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Nov. 2:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theater (More info coming later!)
Nov. 15: Thanksgiving Luncheon
Nov. 16: Adventure Dash
Nov. 19-23: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 10-14: Book Fair
Dec. 13: International Festival
Dec. 19: Winter Party
Dec. 20-Jan. 7: Winter Break

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

September 10-14, 2018

We will began our weekly Library time this week!   We went to the Library this morning.  Mrs. Letendre read a book to us and then we got to use the iPads to learn about different animals on PebbleGo.  We will go to the Library on Tuesday mornings from now on. 

I am getting IXL and Raz-Kids logins ready.  Our class will split Raz-Kids logins with Miss Marsh’s class and Mrs. Pittman’s class.

Monday (9/10):  Life skills Award Ceremony (Two students will be honored in the Cafeteria at 7:35 a.m.  Notices were sent out last week.  Don’t worry if your child was not chosen this week.  This will be a weekly ceremony.)
Tuesday (9/11): Tuesday folders will come home.
                         Library- Lesson Only (Check out next week!)
Wednesday (9/12):
Thursday (9/13):
Friday (9/14):  Evacuation Drill at 8:00 a.m.  Please make sure you are at school on time.

This week in Writing Workshop…
We will write personal narrative stories by telling our stories across our hand.  This strategy will help us organize our stories so that they make sense to the reader by using a beginning, middle and end.  Students will begin using capitalization at the beginning of a sentence and when using the pronoun ‘I’.  Students will also begin to recognize when they should use end punctuation.

This week in Math…
We will begin learning how to solve addition problems using the count-on strategy.  The count-on strategy involves counting on 1, 2, or 3 from a given number.  We will use different tools to help us count-on, such as number tracks and various counters.  We will apply the count-on strategy in problem solving situations.  In this unit, we will also use the commutative property.  For example, if 3+4=7, then 4+3=7 as well.
You can help your child at home by having them practice counting on and counting backward from a given number.  Practice skip counting by 2’s.  Let your child use household objects to build numbers up to 20.  A very important part of math in 1st Grade is learning to justify how a problem is solved.  Ask them to explain how they got to their answer and how they know it is correct.
Our school at home math program, IXL, also has some great practice lesson for this skill under section A.10 Counting by twos, fives, and tens.  Section B “Understanding Adding” is another excellent resource to review addition skills. (B.1, B.2, B.3, and B.4)

This week in Reading Workshop…
We will continue to learn and practice our Partner Reading (Read to Someone)! We will practice the right way to partner read. We will talk about how partners plan when they read together. We will discuss how partners learn to talk to each other about the books they are reading. We will think about how partners have to cooperate and find ways to solve their problems when they read together.

This week in Social Studies…
We will be learning about our countries leaders such as Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Jr., and George Washington.  We will discuss the positive impact these leaders had on our communities.

This week in Science…
We will continue to look at objects like scientists! We will observe objects, describe and compare their properties, including size, shape, texture, mass, color, hardness and buoyancy.

The Life Skill of the Week is…
Effort - to do your best!

Important Dates:
Sept. 20: Riata Round-Up @ 6:30 pm
Sept. 29: Caraway 40 Year Reunion
Oct. 3: Walk/Bike to School
Oct. 19: Sock Hop @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Oct. 25: Math Night @ 6:30-7:30 pm
Nov. 15: Thanksgiving Luncheon
Nov. 16: Adventure Dash
Nov. 19-23: Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 10-14: Book Fair
Dec. 13: International Festival
Dec. 19: Winter Party
Dec. 20-Jan. 7: Winter Break