Tuesday, February 26, 2019

February 25-March 1, 2019

March is quickly approaching!  This semester seems to be flying by!

If you are ordering Scholastic books for your child.  Please make sure to order and pay online at www.scholastic.com.  Our classroom code is HL96Y.  This is super easy!

This week
Monday (2/25):  Daily folder comes home.  Return daily!
                       Homework bags went home.
Tuesday (2/26):  Tuesday folders come home
Wednesday (2/27):
Thursday (2/28):
 Friday (3/1): Caraway Academies

This week in Reading
We will begin reading and analyzing poetry.  We will think like a poet and use our senses to create a picture of the poem in our mind.  We will listen for rhythm and rhyme.

This week in Writing Workshop
We will begin our poetry unit.  We will talk about how to think like a poet and listen for rhythm, rhyme and line breaks.  We will try to apply this to our writing.  We will talk about how poems are different from stories with a beginning, middle and end.

This week in Math workshop
We will wrap up our unit on place value.  We will be assessing what we have learned about numbers up to 99, using base 10 blocks to build the numbers, and using the expanded form of a number to compose and decompose numbers.

This week in Science
We will begin learning about animals.  This week, we will be learning about frogs and their life cycle. We will record facts in our science notebook.

This week in Social Studies
We will be thinking about how the weather can affect our choices and decisions about what clothes we wear, what we eat & drink, shelter we seek, and our activities.

Our Life Skill of the week is Sense of Humor! Having a sense of humor means that you are able to laugh and be playful without hurting others.

That’s all for now! Have a great week!

Important Dates:
Mar. 2- Caraway City Limits
Mar. 8- Last Spring Academy
Mar. 11-15- STEAM week
Mar. 18-22- Spring Break
Mar. 27- Author Visit: Liz Scanlon
Apr. 9- STAAR testing- No Visitors
Apr. 19- No School
Apr. 26- Field Day
Apr. 29-May 2- Book Fair
May 13-15- STAAR testing- No Visitors
May 23- Last Day of School

Monday, February 11, 2019

February 11-15, 2019

Please continue to speak with your child at home about the importance of being a respectful learner in the classroom community, listening to and following teacher instructions, and using a calm body in the classroom. Thank you so much for your support!

This week
Monday (2/11):  Daily folder comes home.  Return daily!
Tuesday (2/12):  Tuesday folders come home
                      Homework Bags come home
Wednesday (2/13): Spirit Night @ Newk’s
Thursday (2/14): Valentine’s Day Party @ 10:00-10:45
 Friday (2/15): Caraway Academies

This week in Reading
We will continue researching.  Last week, we learned about Sloths.  This week, we will be learning about Dinosaurs!  We will read different types of nonfiction texts to find information.

This week in Writing Workshop
We will continue writing information we collect from nonfiction books on sticky notes.  We will use the sticky notes to publish the information we collect.  We will also choose topics we already know about and write facts about that topic.

This week in Math workshop
We will continue learning about place value.  We are learning about and exploring numbers up to 99. We are using base 10 blocks to build the numbers, and using the expanded form of a number to compose and decompose numbers.

This week in Science
We will begin learning about living and nonliving things.  We will use this knowledge when we begin our unit about animals.

This week in Social Studies
We will be finishing up the unit about the characteristics of the world around us. We will learn about the different landforms and bodies of water.  After this, we will learn about natural resources.

Our Life Skill of the week is Sense of Humor! Having a sense of humor means that you are able to laugh and be playful without hurting others.

That’s all for now! Have a great week!

Important Dates:
Feb. 13- Spirit Night @ Newk’s
Feb. 14- Valentine’s Day Party @ 10-10:45
Feb. 18-19- No School
Feb. 27- Author Visit: Liz Scanlon
Mar. 2- Caraway City Limits
Mar. 8- Last Spring Academy
Mar. 11-15- STEAM week
Mar. 18-22- Spring Break
Apr. 9- STAAR testing- No Visitors
Apr. 19- No School
Apr. 26- Field Day
Apr. 29-May 2- Book Fair
May 13-15- STAAR testing- No Visitors
May 23- Last Day of School