Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26-30, 2018

I hope everyone had a wonderful & restful Thanksgiving break. I will be doing middle of the year reading assessments again until we get out for Winter break. I am excited to see how much your child has grown as a reader. Thank you for reading with them each night!  Don’t forget your child’s Heritage Doll Project is due this Friday, November 30th.

This week
Monday (11/26): Daily folder comes home.  Return daily!
Tuesday (11/27):  Holiday Pictures (Optional)
                      Homework Bags come home.
Wednesday (11/28):  Library Lesson only (We will not check out books)
Thursday (11/29):
 Friday (11/30): 8:00 Fire Drill

This week in Reading and Writing Workshop
We will begin an exciting new unit!  We will travel to far off lands.  We will meet kings, queens, princes and princesses.  We will come across some wicked witches and we might even slay a giant!  We will be reading Fairy Tales!  We will talk about how Fairy Tales are fiction, but they have very important elements that make them different.  We will read many different Fairy Tales, and we will check to see which elements each story has.

This week in Math workshop
This week we will be finishing our learning on 2-D shapes.  We will begin learning about 3-D shapes.  We will identify and sort the different 3-D shapes.  We will analyze and compare them as well.  We will discuss which 2-D shapes have been put together to make the 3-D shapes, and we will think about where we can find 3-D shapes in our real world.

This week in Science
We will continue to learn about rocks, soil, and bodies of water.  We will discuss how the natural world includes rocks, soil and water that can be observed in cycles, patterns and systems.  We will observe, compare, describe and sort different types of soil. We will identify and describe a variety of natural bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, streams, and oceans. We will also gather evidence of how rocks, soil and water help to make useful products.

This week in Social Studies
We will be learning about different cultures and holiday traditions. If you have anything you’d like to share for traditions or holidays let me know and we can arrange a time for you to come in!

Our Life Skill of the week is Flexibility! We will talk as a class about times that we have been flexible at school and at home.

That’s all for now! Have a great week!

Important Dates:
Dec. 10-14: Book Fair
Dec. 13: International Festival
Dec. 19: Winter Party
Dec. 20-Jan. 7: Winter Break

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