Monday, March 4, 2019

March 4-8, 2019

Caraway City Limits was a huge success!  Some of the paintings sold for thousands of dollars!  Isn’t that amazing?!

We will have our spring field trip to the Thinkery on May 9, 2019.  We will need 4 parent chaperones from our class.  These 4 spots will be first come, first served.  Please email me if you are able and willing to attend. 

This week
Monday (3/4):  Daily folder comes home.  Return daily!
Tuesday (3/5):  Tuesday folders come home
                    Homework bags home.
Wednesday (3/6):
Thursday (3/7): Ms. Smith Out- Mrs. Barnes will be my Sub
 Friday (3/8): Last day of Caraway Academies

This week in Reading
We will continue reading and analyzing poetry.  We will think like a poet and use our senses to create a picture of the poem in our mind.  We will listen for rhythm and rhyme, alliteration. We will begin to critique poems.

This week in Writing Workshop
We will begin our poetry unit.  We will talk about how to think like a poet and listen for rhythm, rhyme and line breaks.  We will try to apply this to our writing.  We will talk about how poems are different from stories with a beginning, middle and end.

This week in Math workshop
We will revisit addition and subtraction.  In this unit we will think about how addition and subtraction are related.  We will learn about fact families, missing addends, and how we can think about addition to solve a subtraction problem and vise versa.

This week in Science
We will begin learning about animals.  This week, we will be learning about fish.  We will learn about the characteristics of a fish, their body parts, life cycle and how they depend on their environment around them to survive.

This week in Social Studies
We will be talking about needs and wants. We will think about the basic needs we have to have to survive and the fun things we want. 

Our Life Skill of the week is Responsibility!
That’s all for now! Have a great week!

Important Dates:
Mar. 8- Last Spring Academy
Mar. 11-15- STEAM week
Mar. 18-22- Spring Break
Mar. 27- Author Visit: Liz Scanlon
Apr. 9- STAAR testing- No Visitors
Apr. 19- No School
Apr. 26- Field Day
Apr. 29-May 2- Book Fair
May 9- Field Trip to the Thinkery
May 13-15- STAAR testing- No Visitors
May 23- Last Day of School

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