Friday, December 7, 2012

December 10-14

Writing Workshop:

During Writer’s Workshop we will be writing facts about the holidays that we research.  We will record our learning in our Elf Around the World book.  We hope to gain an understanding of different traditions and cultural celebrations.

Reading Workshop:
In Reading Workshop we will be exploring holiday traditions from around the world.  This unit will correlate with our Social Studies unit on Culture.  We will learn about holidays in other countries as we travel around the world with our elf.

In math we will continue our unit on Patterns.  The students will create and extend patterns with pictures, numbers and concrete objects.  The students will learn about even and odd numbers and how they are a pattern.  They will also identify rules of patterns.  For example a shape pattern that is square, circle, square, circle is an ABAB pattern. 

Social Studies:
We will continue our unit on cultural celebrations this week with The Elf on the Shelf: Holidays around the World.  Our very own Elf has been busy traveling to different countries and reporting back to us what he learns about their holiday traditions.  We have been keeping track of his travels on the map and in our Elf file book.  Where will he go next?

Thank you!
*Simona Padurean

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

 Dates to Remember:
December 13:  Family Art Night
December 19:  Winter/Holiday party
December 20:  Polar Express Day
December 21-January 7:  Winter Break

We need BOX TOPS!  Please send any from home.  We are in 2nd place right now!

Monday, November 26, 2012

November 26-30

Wow!  It seems like it has been forever since I've been able to post.  It seems like everyone is getting well though.  Lets keep our fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that things stay that way!

Writing Workshop:
This week in Writing Workshop, we will be writing friendly letters.  We will explore and discuss the different parts of a letter as well.

Words Their Way:
Green:  ap and ag word families (nap, flag)
Blue:  s, t, and st blend
Red:  Short vowels before nt, nd, and nk

Reading Workshop:
This week, we will be introducing Envisioning.  This is when a reader pictures something from the book in their mind.

We will be learning about money.  We will discuss the characteristics and values of each coin.

Social Studies:
We will be discussing the characteristics of maps.  We will even create our own maps!

Thank you!
To everyone for being so understanding while I was out.  I know it was crazy.  I am so glad to be back!


We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Dates to Remember:
November 28:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theatre
November 28:  Family Spirit Night at Corner Street Bakery
November 29:  Winter/Holiday party planning meeting @ 3:00 in classroom
December 13:  Family Art Night
December 19:  Winter/Holiday party
December 20:  Polar Express Day
December 21-January 7:  Winter Break

We need BOX TOPS!  Please send any from home.  We are in 2nd place right now!

Friday, October 26, 2012

October 29-November 2

Writing Workshop:
During Writing Workshop we will continue to learn and practice writing procedural text.  Last week, we wrote “How to’s” as a class to illustrate the steps of a procedure.  This week the students goal will be to independently choose a subject and write a “how to”.  They will use the writing process to complete their own piece of procedural text.  We will also explore the world of adjectives.  We will brainstorm a list of adjectives, describing words, as we complete our writing projects.

Words Their Way:
Green group: ap and ag Word families (nap, map, wag, flag)
Blue group: s, t, and st blend (sink, tire, star)
Red group:  Short vowels before nt, nd, and nk (print, blend, thank)

Reading Workshop:
During Reading Workshop this week we will explore Halloween Fiction!  We will identify procedural parts of texts as we read fun stories such as It’s Pumpkin Time, The Biggest Pumpkin Ever and Hallowiener!  We will read Time for Kids: Boo to explore non-fiction text that includes current events in and around our community!

This week in math we will be reviewing skills/concepts taught during the first nine weeks of school.  We will apply all the skills/concepts to Halloween problem solving.  Each child will be encouraged to choose a strategy, sometimes two and use their own words to explain their thinking for the problem.  Although this may seem easy, to some it is very difficult to put their thoughts on paper and explain how to solve the problem step by step!

This week during Science we will be exploring and investigating heat as a force of energy.  We will utilize engaging video clips from BrainPopJr and United Streaming to learn.  We will explore energy you can feel, see and hear!  We will use graphic organizers to record our learning and thoughts in our Science Notebook.


We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.

We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Thank you!
Vedula Family- Tuesday Folders
Simona Padurean- Hanging work in the hallway
Fatima Valimohammed- Classroom Chores

Conferences...If you have not signed up for a conference with me, please do so soon!  I would like to have all of them done by the end of this month.  Thanks!

Dates to Remember:
November 3:  PTA Harvest Festival
November 14:  Thanksgiving Lunch in the Cafeteria
November 15:  Skate Night
November 21-23:  Thanksgiving Holidays
November 28:  Family Spirit Night at Corner Street Bakery
December 13:  Family Art Night
December 21-January 7:  Winter Break

If you have any Box Tops, please send them to school with your child.

Monday, October 22, 2012

October 22-26

Writing Workshop:

During Writing Workshop we will transfer what we’ve learned from our reading experiences to our own writing.  We practice writing the step of a “How to” as a class.  We will reflect on our experience of making spiders during our spider investigation last week.  Together we will illustrate and write a How to make a spider.  The students will choose a subject that they could explain how to do something.  These could include how to make a basket (Basketball), how to ride a bike or how to make a necklace.

Word Study:
Green group:  an and ad Word Families (sad, mad, fan, pan)
Blue group:  sh, ch, th, and wh Diagraphs
Red group:  Short Vowels before ng and mp (rang, bring, stump, lamp)

Reading Workshop:
During our reading workshop time we will continue to focus on Expository text but will transfer our focus to Procedural texts.  We will read a variety of literature that outlines “how to…” complete a task.  We will use our Reading Workshop time to focus on the study of Pumpkins.  We will read The Pumpkin Book by Gail Gibbons and focus on the portion of the story that outlines how to grow a pumpkin.  We will discuss the elements of “how to…” writing as we examine different author’s work.

This week during math we will explore data and graphing.  The students will be expected to make graphs with real objects, picture graphs and bar type graphs.  We will explore how to collect data through our “quick surveys”.  The students will ask each other questions like, “Do you like your ice cream in a cup, or in a cone?” They will ask their classmates and record their data on a tally chart.  After the students collect their data they will make a picture graph or a bar graph to display their results.   We will answer questions such as, “are there more of our friends who like ice cream on a cone?”

 This week during Science we will be exploring and investigating magnets as part of our unit on Force, Motion and Energy.  We will record what we may already know about magnets on a KWL chart.  We will ask questions about the things we don’t know.  As we begin our investigation we will watch magnets in action on BrainPopJr.  We will explore what magnets attract, what they repel and if they work in water. 

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

This week is Red Ribbon Week!
Monday:  "Sock it to drugs"  Wear mismatched socks
Tuesday:  "Drugs and I don't mix"  Wear mismatched clothes
Wednesday:  "Say No to Drugs"  Wear red clothing
Thursday:  "Boot out Drugs"  Wear boots or western clothing
Friday:  "Say BOO to Drugs"  Wear a Halloween shirt

Thank you!
Vedula Family- Tuesday Folders

Conferences...If you have not signed up for a conference with me, please do so soon!  I would like to have all of them done by the end of this month.  Thanks!

Dates to Remember:
October 25:  Family Science Night
November 3:  PTA Harvest Festival
November 15:  Skate Night
November 21-23:  Thanksgiving Holidays
November 28:  Family Spirit Night at Corner Street Bakery
December 13:  Family Art Night
December 21-January 7:  Winter Break

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

October 9-12

Writing Workshop:

This week in Writing Workshop we will be moving away from story writing and begin factual writing.  As a class, we will study bats and learn and write facts about them.  Individually, your child will make a list of their interests.  Then they will use books to learn more and write facts in their own words.

Words Their Way:
Green Group:  op, ot, and og word families (hop, cot, dog)
Blue Group:  th and wh diagraphs
Red Group:  words containing short vowels with final diagraphs (cash, math, such)

Reading Workshop:

For the next two weeks we will be focusing on expository text.  This week we will model how to think aloud the main idea and details.  Your child will then practice talking about the main idea, details, and retelling the information in the book.  We will introduce important aspects of expository text such as table of contents, index, glossary, labels, etc.


This week we will be working with patterns, relationships, and algebraic thinking.  The students will recognize patterns in numbers and operations using a number line and hundreds chart.  Next we will learn how numbers can be broken apart and put together in a variety of ways (decomposing and composing).  We will continue problem solving that incorporates the processes of understanding the problem, making a plan, carrying out the plan, and evaluating the solution for reasonableness. 

Social Studies:

We have been learning about different types of communities, along with rules and laws, and being good citizens.  Now we will begin focusing on the leaders in our communities.  We will read and learn about the roles and responsibilities of leaders in various communities starting with our school principal, and then moving on to the mayor, governor, and finally the president.

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

October 10:  Family Spirit Night at Catfish Parlour
October 18:  Give a Hoot Picnic
October 25:  Family Science Night
November 3:  PTA Harvest Festival
November 15:  Skate Night
November 21-23:  Thanksgiving Holidays
November 28:  Family Spirit Night at Corner Street Bakery
December 13:  Family Art Night
December 21-January 7:  Winter Break

Monday, October 1, 2012

October 1-5

Writing Workshop:

This week in Writing Workshop we will continue working on planning, sketching and writing stories with a beginning, middle and end.  We will work as a whole group to put stories in order because the concept of beginning, middle and end can be hard for some students to grasp.  We will also continue talking about the writing process.  The children will start circling the kindergarten and first grade word wall words during the editing process.  I’m so proud of their writing this year.  Our writing workshop is a serious time in our classroom and the progress I’m seeing is tremendous already……I can’t wait to see all the writing by the end of the year.  I’ve told my class how proud I am, and I hope you will continue to encourage them at home! 

Words Their Way:
Green group:  -ap and -ag Word Families (Example:  map, flag)
Blue group:  h, sh, and ch, Diagraphs (Example:  house, shop, cheese)
Red group:  Short with Final Blends (Example:  gift)

Reading Workshop:

This week we are going to practice retelling stories in our own words.  We will sequence the events of the story in correct order and retell the stories that we read with beginning, middle and ending.  We will also add to our comprehension strategies and learn how to slow down, go back, and re-read a part in the story that we might be confused about.  Strong readers read with expression and use all the clues such as words and pictures to understand the story better.   As part of media literacy, we will listen to stories on line and learn how words, images, graphics, and sound work together to impact the meaning of the story.  


As we enter our second week on addition and subtraction concepts and prerequisites for learning basic math facts we will focus this week on counting on and counting back.  We will do a fun lesson using calculators (which the children always love) for two-more-than.  We will also focus on using five and ten frames to build numbers.  It is important for the children to learn how to identify a quantity without counting each one.  These strategies will be encouraged to be used as we continue with our problem solving which is ongoing throughout all our units in first grade.

Social Studies:
We had a great time exploring matter, changes in states of matter, and mass of matter this week.  During this upcoming week in Social Studies we will be learning the difference between rules and laws and the purpose for them in the home, school, and community. We will examine some ways that rules and laws establish order, provide security, and manage conflict for us.  

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Thank you! 
Browarski family:  Tuesday folders
Padurean family:  Hanging art on our wall in the hallway

*Picture day is October 4!
*Bring box tops!
*Bicycle Rodeo will be on October 6 from 8:30-11:30.
*Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on October 8.  No school that day!
*Early Release @ 12:45 on October 24. 

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17-21

Writing Workshop:
This week we will focus on the concept of translating sounds into print.  Some words in our writing we already know because we use them a lot (like the kindergarten word wall words). For unknown spelling words, we will learn how to stretch out the words, listening carefully to the sounds and writing the sounds as we hear them.  This helps your child to quickly get their ideas down on paper so they can move on and not get caught up on the spelling of one or more words.  We will also discuss how to use our writing tools like the first grade word wall list and our personal alphabet charts.

Words Their Way:
Green Group:  Short vowel word families (-at word families)
Blue Group:  Diagraphs (s,h, sh)
Red Group:  Words with short vowels a and i with initial blends

Reading Workshop:
This week we will learn that strong readers can read the pictures as well as words.  When we read the words, we follow along with our fingers, slow down and think about what we are reading.  We will also learn the value in revisiting familiar books, books that we enjoyed before, but still can go back and re-read it.  Each time we re-read a book, we will notice new details, and surprises.  We will also learn to use our voices in different ways, such as sad, excited or creepy to learn to read with expression.  We will revisit and enjoy a variety of great children’s authors such as Cynthia Rylant, Mo Willems, and Tomie DePaola.  We will begin guided reading groups this week also.  

Next week:  
You can expect reading bags to go home next week Monday-Thursday.  A note will be in the bag to explain the process.

We will finish up our unit on place value with building sets of 10’s and 1’s using manipulatives.  We will also look at sets and determine the value.  There are several games we will play to reinforce arranging numbers from least to greatest and comparing numbers more and less than.  An assessment will be given at the end of the week to make sure your child understands this unit.  Place value is a concept we will continue to reinforce and practice throughout the year.  We will also continue our CGI problem solving and move more into sharing and comparing our answers with our classmates.  We will begin making our “Math Strategies” chart that will be used every day in our classroom.

Social Studies:
The kids enjoyed being scientists this week by conducting our first experiment of the year – rainbow milk!  We also practiced using our 5 senses to observe the properties of matter.  Next week we will be celebrating our freedom in social studies by learning the meaning of the word “symbol”, as well as lots of important facts and history that go along with them.  This unit is packed full of national symbols and learning.  You will want to visit our hallway toward the end of the week and next week to see all the art work displayed to celebrate Freedom Week in first grade!

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder and reading bag back every day.

Thank you! 
Browarski family:  Tuesday folders

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

September 10-14

Words Their Way:  
We have finished up the beginning of the year assessment and will be jumping in to the program next week.  I am very excited!

Writing Workshop: 
This week in Writing Workshop, we will be thinking about our illustrations.  Do my illustrations match my words?  How can I draw something that is hard to draw? We will also look at many different books to see how famous authors and illustrators made the pictures and words match.

Reading Workshop:
We will be continuing to engage in Read to Self and Read to Someone.  This week, I will be finishing up the beginning of the year formal reading assessments.  Hopefully, I will be able to begin sending leveled reading books home with the kiddos next week.  I will send further instructions about that beforehand.

We are working in our Place Value unit.  This week, we will be comparing and ordering numbers.  We will learn about numbers being more, less, least or greatest and if a number falls before, after, or between.  We will be starting our addition unit soon, so please begin working on the addition doubles facts up to 20 at home.  

We are learning about matter and mass this week.  We will discuss ways we can observe and  classify matter, we will learn what mass is, and we will also learn the difference between mass and weight.

We have PE on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Tennis shoes are required on these days.
We have Art on Tuesday and Music on Thursday.
Library is on Tuesday.
Please remember to send the red Take Home folder back every day.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 27-31, 2012

Welcome to 1st Grade!

We're going to have a great year.  I can already tell!  This is how I will communicate with you about what is going on in our classroom every week.  I will include reminders at the end of every post.

M, W, F:  PE
T, Th, F:  Art/Music (some of our kids will go to Art and some with go to Music)

Thanks for being so A-mazing!!!!
Ms. Smith