Tuesday, January 17, 2017

January 17-20, 2017

We had a great full week of learning last week! There will be a lot of things coming your way in the Tuesday folder this week! Also, I just wanted to remind everyone that I am keeping samples of the student's work for their portfolios. The contents of the portfolio will go home at the end of the year.  You are always welcome to come up and view their work!

Reminders for this week:
Monday (1/16): No School
Tuesday (1/17): Tuesday folders will come home. Please unload and return them the next day.
Wednesday (1/18): Library Check out.  Please remind your child to return their books.
  Homework will come home.  It is due on Friday.
  Science Fair and Science Night
Thursday (1/19): 
Friday (1/20): Reading Homework is due.

In the future...
Tuesday, February 7th: First Grade PE program

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will be exploring the Literary Nonfiction genre.  These are nonfiction books that are written more like a story.  We will talk about how these could be memoirs or stories from peoples experiences.  We will use our reading strategies such as monitoring our comprehension and asking questions while we explore books.

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We are spending the week discussing what writer's do.  We will review the different types of writing we have learned about this year.  Some of these include stories from our experiences, imaginary stories, fact writing, comics, How to writing, research, expert writing and letter writing.  The students will be able to choose their favorite types and practice writing this week during our "free choice writing" week.  

This week in Math...
We will begin a new unit on Deepening our understanding of 2 digit place value.   We will represent numbers using pictures, objects and expanded form up to 99.  We will compare two digit numbers using symbols and comparative language.  We will look for relationships in numbers such as 10 more, 10 less, 1 more and 1 less.  We will work with numbers lines and hundreds charts to compare numbers as we incorporate problem solving in to our work.

This week in Social Studies...
We are learning about the World Around Us in our Geography unit.  We will explore maps and globes as we look for landforms.  We will use cardinal directions to help us read and make maps.  We will learn about physical features of places as well as learn about natural resources.

Have a great week!

Jan. 16:  No School
Jan. 18:  Science Fair
Feb. 7:  1st Grade PE Program @ 5:45
Feb. 8:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
Feb. 14:  Valentine’s Day party
Feb. 17:  Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 24:  Engineering Day
March 13-17:  Spring Break
March 22:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 6:00 pm
March 23:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theater
March 28-29:  STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
April 1:  Family Dinner Night
April 5:  Early Release Day @ 12:00 pm
April 7:  Family Fun & Fit Night @ 6:30 pm
April 14:  Spring Holiday- No School
April 20:  KnOWLedge Night @ 5:30
April 22:  Earth Day Clean up
April 26:  Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
May 1-5:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8-10: STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
May 19:   Field Day
May 26:  Career Fair
May 29:  Memorial Day- No School

June 1:  Last Day of School- End of the Year party

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

January 9-13, 2017

Our Fairy Tale parade was so much fun! Everyone looked so cute!

Monday (1/9): 
Tuesday (1/10): Tuesday Folders come home.  Report cards come home.  Please remove the paper report card to keep for your records then sign the envelope. Please return the Tuesday Folder and the Report Card Envelope on Wednesday.
Wednesday (1/11): Library Lesson - No checkout
Thursday  (1/12): Counseling Lesson with Mrs. Amiri
Friday (1/13): First day of Caraway Academy 
                            Ms. Smith out for the day

Looking Forward: 
Monday, January 15: No School- MLK Holiday
Wednesday, January 18: Science Fair and Science Night

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin our unit on making inferences.  We will practice making inferences like, "This boy is wearing a coat, mittens and a hat.  I can infer that the weather is...COLD!" We will transition to making inferences about the stories we are reading together as a class when we introduce Literary Nonfiction.  

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We will learn about different types of letters we can write.  We've been writing Friendly Letters.  We will learn about Thank you letters, apology letters and persuasive letters.  We will talk about when you use each type of letter and practice writing them!

This week in Math...
We will begin our unit on Doubles.  We will play games, sing songs and learn strategies to help us memorize our doubles facts (2+2=4).  Then we will apply what we've learned and use our doubles to help us solve problems and other math facts (if 2 +2 = 4 then 2 + 3 = 5 it's just one more). 

This week in Science...
We will begin our study of Objects in the Sky.  We will learn about the objects we see in the sky during the day (sun and clouds).  We will learn about the night sky features such as the moon, stars and planets).  We will focus on how the day and night skies change.  We will continue our learning when we begin our guided research unit in reading and writing workshops.

The weather looks like it will warm up again this week! Enjoy some time outside before it gets cold again!

Jan. 16:  No School
Jan. 18:  Science Fair
Feb. 7:  1st Grade PE Program @ 5:45
Feb. 8:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
Feb. 14:  Valentine’s Day party
Feb. 17:  Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 24:  Engineering Day
March 13-17:  Spring Break
March 22:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 6:00 pm
March 23:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theater
March 28-29:  STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
April 1:  Family Dinner Night
April 5:  Early Release Day @ 12:00 pm
April 7:  Family Fun & Fit Night @ 6:30 pm
April 14:  Spring Holiday- No School
April 20:  KnOWLedge Night @ 5:30
April 22:  Earth Day Clean up
April 26:  Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
May 1-5:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8-10: STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
May 19:   Field Day
May 26:  Career Fair
May 29:  Memorial Day- No School

June 1:  Last Day of School- End of the Year party

Monday, January 2, 2017

January 2-6, 2017

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a relaxing and enjoyable winter break! We had lovely weather for being outside.  I am excited to see all of those smiling faces tomorrow!  We will be reviewing expectations this week as we remember the responsibilities we have as First Graders.

Monday (1/2): No school
Tuesday (1/3): Welcome back!
                         Tuesday folder comes home.  Please return on Wednesday.
Wednesday (1/4):  Library Checkout
Thursday (1/5): 
Friday (1/6): Fairy Tale Parade @ 8:30 am

First grade Fairy Tale Parade

First Grade will be having a Fairy Tale Parade on Friday, January 6th, at 8:30am to celebrate the end of our Fairy Tale Unit.  Please have your child come to school dressed as their favorite fairy tale character.  Your child may wear their costume over their clothes.  Please do not go out and buy a costume for your child.  You and your child can make a homemade mask and/or costume with items you have at home.  This should be fun.not stressful!
The parade will start at 8:30am and we will walk all around the school.  We would love for you to come and cheer us on!  

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will review the expectations for Reading Workshop such as how to pick a quiet spot for reading and how to stay focused on your book.  We will review the elements of a Fairy Tale and Folktales before our big parade this Friday.

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We will learn to write a friendly letter.  We will learn the parts of a letter and the purpose of each part.  Then we will write a friendly letter to someone we know. 

This week in Math...
We will be working on graphing.  We will be reading graphs, answering questions about graphs and comparing things with graphs.  We will review how to collect data and display it in an organized way.

This week in Science...
We will be studying the seasons.  We will discuss characteristics of each season before we move on to why we have seasons.  Then we will move on to learning about objects in our sky.  We will study and sun and the moon.

Have a great week!

Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester
Jan. 6:  Fairy Tale Parade @ 8:30 am
Jan. 16:  No School
Jan. 18:  Science Fair
Feb. 7:  1st Grade PE Program @ 5:45
Feb. 8:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
Feb. 14:  Valentine’s Day party
Feb. 17:  Jump Rope for Heart
Feb. 24:  Engineering Day
March 13-17:  Spring Break
March 22:  Skate night- Playland Skate Center @ 6:00 pm
March 23:  Field Trip to ZACH Scott Theater
March 28-29:  STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
April 1:  Family Dinner Night
April 5:  Early Release Day @ 12:00 pm
April 7:  Family Fun & Fit Night @ 6:30 pm
April 14:  Spring Holiday- No School
April 20:  KnOWLedge Night @ 5:30
April 22:  Earth Day Clean up
April 26:  Playland Skate Center @ 5:30 pm
May 1-5:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 8-10: STAAR Testing- No Visitors on Campus
May 19:   Field Day
May 26:  Career Fair
May 29:  Memorial Day- No School
June 1:  Last Day of School- End of the Year party