Monday, December 5, 2016

December 5-9, 2016

We had a great time on our Field Trip last week! We learned a lot about animals and had fun too!

**Caraway Book Fair: Open
 (12/5): Book Fair Preview
 (12/6): Book Fair- Children will be allowed to purchase.
                           Tuesday Folders- Please unload and return Wednesday.
 (12/7): Deadline to turn in the Science Fair Form
 (12/8): International Festival 6pm-8pm
Friday (12/9): Return Homework Folder

This week in Reading Workshop...
We had a lovely week reading Fairy Tales last week.
  We learned the Elements of a Fairy Tale and we looked for them as we read different stories together.  This week we are excited to move on to Folktales.  We will discover the differences between Folktales and Fairytales. Fun Fact: Did you know that Fairytales are a type of Folktale? We will learn that Folktales have characters that are animals which act like humans, they teach a lesson or a moral and they do not have magic.

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We will wrap up our work on writing imaginative stories.
  Most of the students have written a story with characters like themselves and a friend.  Then they added an element from our Fairy Tale list.  As writers we know that it's easiest to write about things we know.  It sure is fun to see how they put a little twist in their stories!

This week in Science and Social Studies...
We will wrap up our unit on Rocks and Soils this week.  Then we will move on to our Social Studies unit on Celebrations in our Community.  We will read and learn all about the different celebrations the boys and girls enjoy during the year.  I will be asking the students to give me more information about what holidays are special to them, then we will "travel" around the world to "visit" different countries and learn about their culture and traditions! This is a really fun unit for the students!

This week in Math...
We will continue our unit on Addition and Subtraction.  We will practice strategies to help us understand the basic idea of subtraction (Whole minus a part equals a part).  We will be problem solvers and work on solving word problems that have a part missing.  We will continue to relate subtraction to addition and use addition to help us solve subtraction problems.

**Science Fair**
If your child is interested in participating in the Science Fair, there is an awesome resource that the kids can use to help them find a project that lays it out in a way that the kids can do them with little to no involvement from the parents.

Things that are different this year with the science fair

-Judging will occur during the school day - so kids do not have to hang out in shear boredom to be interviewed (if they choose to be have their project judged)

-Scores will be tallied and kids will find out at Science Night who the winners are in an awards presentation.

-Parents and Students will have the opportunity to see all the projects during Science Night

-If we have enough participation we would like to have the classes review portions of the projects and then award a KIDS choice winner (this is separate from the regular judging).

The Deadline to turn in the Science Fair Form is
 Wednesday, December 7th.

Dec. 5-9:  Book Fair
Dec. 8:  International Festival @ 6:00-8:00pm
Dec. 15:  Winter Parties @ 1:15-2:15/Last Day of 1st Semester
Dec. 16:  No School-Student Holiday
Dec. 16-Jan 2:  Winter Break

Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester

Monday, November 28, 2016

November 28-December 2, 2016

Welcome back everyone! I was so happy to see the smiling faces of 20 little people this morning! We have 14 school days until the next break! We have so many things to pack in to these days!

 (11/28): Homework bags will come home on Tuesday!
 (11/29): Tuesday folders come home.  Please unload and return them on Wednesday.
 (11/30): Library day- Remember to turn in books
                             Skate Night 6pm-8pm
 (12/1): Field Trip to the Austin Nature Center
                            Family Art Night

Looking Ahead:
December 5-9: Caraway Book Fair
12/8 International Fair
12/15 Winter Party Day
12/16 No school for Students

First Grade Field Trip
Where: Austin Nature Center
When: Thursday, December 1, 2016
Time: 10:30am-2:00pm
-Please send a completely disposable lunch. We will be eating lunch as the Nature Center!
-The students need to wear a Caraway Shirt.  They can also wear a blue or green shirt.
-If you would like to join us as a volunteer please let me know as soon as possible!

This week in Reading Workshop...
We are beginning our unit on Fairy Tales! We will discuss the elements of a fairy tale such as they begin with "Once upon a time..." and end with "Happily Ever After!" We will discuss the characters, setting, problem/solution. This is such a fun unit! Our unit with culminate in our annual Fairy Tale Parade on
 Friday, January 6th.  More information will come home soon!

This week in Writer's Workshop...
We will explore how writers write about imaginary things too.
  This morning we talked to a partner about the characters we might put in a story and where our story will take place.  We will continue develop our story ideas as we beginning our writing this week.

This week in Math...
We are exploring the relationship between addition and subtraction. We will begin learning how subtraction problems work and finding patterns to help us solve. We will solve word problems and add strategies to our problem solving tool box.  We will also share the strategies we use when solving problems so we can learn from each other.

This week in Science...
We are discovering and observing rocks and soils! We will discuss the properties of rocks, what rocks are used for and where we see rocks in the world around us.  We will learn about the different types of soils and what they are used for.

Have a great week!

Nov. 30:  Skate Night @ 6:00-8:00 pm
Dec. 1: 1st Grade Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
   Family Art Night @ 6:00-7:30 pm
Dec. 5-9:  Book Fair
Dec. 8:  International Festival @ 6:00-8:00pm
Dec. 15:  Winter Parties/Last Day of 1st Semester
Dec. 16-Jan 2:  Winter Break

Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

November 14-18, 2016

Today, you will find a permission slip for the Austin Nature Center field trip.  Please fill it out and send it back by Friday, Nov. 18.  Thanks!

As we enter the holiday season I just want to tell you all how thankful I am for your support. These children are surrounded by loving and caring teachers both at school and at home. I thank you for supporting your children both as learners and citizens of our community. I am lucky to have such a sweet group of students with such thoughtful parents.

: Tuesday folders will come home. Please unload them and return them the next day.
Wednesday:Thanksgiving lunch in the cafeteria
         No Library this week
Thursday:  Ms. Smith out
Friday: Turkey Trot 10:30am-11:20am

This week in Reading and writing workshop...
We will be thinking like readers as we explore Thanksgiving books to learn more about the First Thanksgiving. Then we will take what we know and have learned and make our own books about the First Thanksgiving.

This week in Social Studies...
We will be learning about inventors and how their ideas changed our community. We will explore Alexander Graham Bell, Garrett Morgan and Ben Franklin. These individuals used an open mindset to try new things and take risks. They succeeded after many tries and now we can thank them for the inventions they created.

This week in Math...
We will continue our work with place value. We will compose and decompose numbers up to 120. We will compare numbers in isolation, with concrete objects and in problem solving situations.

Have a great week!

Nov. 16:  Thanksgiving Luncheon in the Cafeteria
Nov. 18:  Turkey Trot @ 10:35
Nov. 21-25:  Thanksgiving Break- No School
Nov. 30:  Skate Night @ 6:00-8:00 pm
Dec. 1: 1st Grade Field Trip to Austin Nature Center
   Family Art Night @ 6:00-7:30 pm
Dec. 5-9:  Book Fair
Dec. 8:  International Festival @ 6:00-8:00pm
Dec. 15:  Winter Parties/Last Day of 1st Semester
Dec. 16-Jan 2:  Winter Break

Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester

Monday, November 7, 2016

November 7-11, 2016

I was so excited to see so many of my kiddos at the Harvest Festival this past Saturday!  Maggie had so much fun playing, laser tag, petting the animals and bouncing.  We were exhausted when we got home!  

We only have two weeks together until Thanksgiving Break!

Monday:  Mock Election in the Library
Tuesday: Caraway is a Polling location for the Election.
               Tuesday folders will come home- Please unload and return on Wed.
 Wednesday: Library Checkout- Please remind your child to turn in their books by 8am.
Thursday: Coffee and Conversation with Mrs. Bailey 7:45am

Friday: Last Caraway Academy this session
             Picture Re-takes and Holiday pictures
*We have PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday- Wear tennis shoes
*Send a healthy snack for your kiddo every day

Looking ahead...
Monday, November 14: Heritage Doll Project is Due
Wednesday, November 16: Thanksgiving Lunch in the Cafeteria
Friday, November 17: Turkey Trot 10:35am

This week in Reading and Writing Workshop...
We will be learning more about nonfiction text.  We will be focusing on the Main Idea of nonfiction texts as we read and learn about Pumpkins.  We will also learn about the Pumpkin Life Cycle as we write facts about pumpkins that we learn while reading.  In Writing Workshop we will continue our interactive writing and create a class book about Pumpkins.  We will think about what we already know and write facts.  As we go through the week we will organize the facts and create our very own nonfiction book!

This week in Science...
We will be learning about forces with Magnets! We will predict how the magnets will work then we will explore different types of Magnets.  We will record our observations in our science notebooks as we learn about magnets.

This week in Math...
We will begin stretching our knowledge about Place Value this week.  We will practice with patterns on hundreds charts and magnetic tens frames so we can understand that the TENS place has groups of ten and the ONES place has single units.  Practice with the basic idea of place value by having your child count small objects out in groups of ten.  Then have then count how many groups are there and tell you the number they created. We will end the week with using Tens sticks and ones cubes as we compose and decompose numbers.

Have a great week!
Nov. 11:  Last Caraway Academy @ 7:40 am
Nov. 14:  Heritage Doll Project due
Nov. 16:  Thanksgiving Luncheon in the Cafeteria
Nov. 17:  Turkey Trot @ 10:35
Nov. 21-25:  Thanksgiving Break- No School
Nov. 30:  Skate Night @ 6:00-8:00 pm
Dec. 1: 1st Grade Field Trip to Austin Nature Center (more info to come)
   Family Art Night @ 6:00-7:30 pm
Dec. 5-9:  Book Fair
Dec. 8:  International Festival @ 6:00-8:00pm
Dec. 15:  Winter Parties/Last Day of 1st Semester
Dec. 16-Jan 2:  Winter Break

Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester

Sunday, October 23, 2016

October 24-28, 2016

Kathy Caraway Elementary is celebrating Red Ribbon Week
Monday: We are Red-y for Red Ribbon Week! (Come decked in RED!)
Tuesday: We have the POWER make Good Choices!!! (Wear Super Hero Shirts) 
Wednesday: Hats off for being Healthy!(Wear hats to school)
Thursday: It’s Crazy to do Drugs!(Wear crazy socks)
Friday: Wake up healthy and strong! (wear pajamas to school)

Caraway Academies
We enjoyed Academies again last week! Hopefully you were able to order a Caraway Academy t-shirt to help support future Academies!  We have 3 weeks left in our Fall Academy session.  I know the kiddos are having so much!
Monday: Reading Homework Bags will come home

Tuesday: Library Books are Due by 8am.
               Tuesday folders will come home. Please unload, review work and return        
Wednesday: Early Release at 12:00pm.  Skate Night
Friday: Reading Homework Bags are Due
              Caraway Academy 7:45am-8:30am

This week in Reading Workshop...
We will begin learning about Expository Texts.  We will explore the differences between Fiction and Nonfiction texts.  Then we will examine nonfiction text features such as photographs as pictures, diagrams, headings and table of contents.  We will begin reading nonfiction texts in our small groups.  We will discuss nonfiction texts and the purpose for reading them, to learn. This week we will focus our learning on Bats.

This week in Writing Workshop...
We will wrap up our unit on Small Moments.  We have been hard at work thinking of ideas, writing stories, making them fancy then publishing them! Author's Chair on Friday we extra special because we had quite a few of our "published authors" share their stories.  This week we will begin thinking about writing comments on things we know a lot about.  We will generate a list of things we know about then choose one to write more about.  We will also focus some of our time on writing what we know about Bats before we read to find out more. 

This week in Math...
We will continue thinking about measurement as we move into telling time.  Students will be able to tell time to the hour by identifying the short hand as the hour hand and the long hand as the minute hand on an analog clock.  We will relate digital clocks to analog clocks and tell time with both.  

This week in Social Studies...
This is the last week for our Coins for Coats Drive.  It has been amazing to see the children hard at work counting the coins as they are collected.  We've raised over $200.00 so far!  One of our focuses is Selfless Giving.  We discuss how giving to others makes us feel like we've made a difference in our community.  We wrote letters last week to see if our parents can help us find some more coins at home!  
We will also learn about our community symbols as we study the US Symbols.  We will discuss their meaning and why symbols like the Liberty Bell are important to our nation's history.  We will also study our state's symbols such as the Texas Flag and the Alamo.  We will learn about our state's history and why we should be proud to be Texans.

Have a great week! 

Oct. 24-28:  Red Ribbon Week
Oct. 26:  Early Release Day.  Dismissal @ 12:00
                Skate Night @ 6:30 -Playland Skate Center
Nov. 4:  Harvest Festival @ 4:00-7:00 pm
Nov. 11:  Veteran’s Day Program @ 8:00 am
Nov. 16:  Thanksgiving Luncheon @ 11:30 -send in your sign up sheet if interested
Nov. 21-25:  Thanksgiving Break- No School
Nov. 30:  Skate Night @ 6:00-8:00 pm
Dec. 1: 1st Grade Field Trip to Austin Nature Center (more info to come)
   Family Art Night @ 6:00-7:30 pm
Dec. 5-9:  Book Fair
Dec. 8:  International Festival @ 6:00-8:00pm
Dec. 15:  Winter Parties/Last Day of 1st Semester
Dec. 16-Jan 2:  Winter Break
Jan. 3:  1st Day of 2nd Semester