Tuesday, April 29, 2014

April 28-May 2, 2014

Math:  This week in math we are working on doubles subtraction facts.  Just like in our last subtraction unit, we are thinking addition to do subtraction.  For example, if you know that 9+9=18, then you also know 18-9=9 because it is a related fact.  We will do problem solving to reinforce.

Reading and Writing Workshop:  This week in Reading and Writing workshop, we will be reading Expository texts to become experts about an animal. We will be using the Research Process to help us. The students were allowed to choose an expository text about an animal from the library last week, and we will be using it and kid friendly research engines such as www.pebblego.com to learn about the topic.  All of the kids picked different animals to research, so I am excited to see what we can all learn!

Research Process:
  1. Pic a topic to research
  2. Activate prior knowledge (What do you already know about your topic?)
  3. Ask questions (What do you want to learn about your topic?)
  4. Read Expository texts (books, websites, magazines, newspapers)
  5. Record the information found
  6. Reflect (What did you learn about your topic?)

Word Study: 
Green: ip, ig, and ill word families
Blue:  at, ot, and it word families
Red:  Review for CVVC pattern (ai, oa, ee, ea)

Science:   This week we will be finishing up our Animal Unit.  We will be learning about the life cycle of the frog.

Habit #4 Think Win-Win:  I balance the courage of getting what I want with the consideration of what others want.

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
May 1:  Field Trip to ZACH Theater
             Talent Show (K-3)
May 2:  Field Day 10:05-11:55
            Talent Show (4-5)
May 5-9:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Early Release Day
May 9:  Career Day
May 12-16:  Book Fair
May 26:  No School-Memorial Day
May 29:  Game/Movie Day!

May 30:  End of the Year Party and Last day of school!

Monday, April 21, 2014

April 21-25, 2014

Math:  This week we will continue learning about fractional parts.  We will work with halves and fourths this week.  We will apply the knowledge we have gained about fractional parts when we solve word problems in our math notebooks.  Again, anything you can do at home to pull this concept into the kiddos’ daily life is great!

Reading and Writing Workshop:  This week in Reading and Writing workshop, we will be reading Expository texts to become experts about an animal. We will be using the Research Process to help us. The students were allowed to choose an expository text about an animal from the library last week, and we will be using it and kid friendly research engines such as www.pebblego.com to learn about the topic.  All of the kids picked different animals to research, so I am excited to see what we can all learn!

Research Process:
  1. Pic a topic to research
  2. Activate prior knowledge (What do you already know about your topic?)
  3. Ask questions (What do you want to learn about your topic?)
  4. Read Expository texts (books, websites, magazines, newspapers)
  5. Record the information found
  6. Reflect (What did you learn about your topic?)

Word Study: 
Green:  ut, ug and un Word Families
Blue:  k, wh, qu, tw
Red:  Short -e and Long e (CVVC)
Science:  This week in science we will learn about the different natural resources, what they are used for, and how we can help by conserving them.  On Earth Day (April 22) we will focus on what reducing, reusing, and recycling and we will discuss how those 3 things can help our beautiful planet, Earth.

Habit #4 Think Win-Win:  I balance the courage of getting what I want with the consideration of what others want.

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
April 22-24:  STAAR Testing-NO VISITORS
May 1:  Field Trip to ZACH Theater
             Talent Show (K-3)
May 2:  Field Day
            Talent Show (4-5)
May 5-9:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Early Release Day
May 9:  Career Day
May 12-16:  Book Fair
May 26:  No School-Memorial Day
May 29:  Game Day!

May 30:  End of the Year Party and Last day of school!

Monday, April 14, 2014

April 14-18, 2014

Math:  This week we will begin learning about fractional parts.  We will learn what a fraction is first off, and then we will talk about equal parts of a whole and then even halves and fourths.  If you find the opportunity to talk about fractional parts with your child at home, that would be great!  Any time you can find the chance to relate math to real life is awesome!

Reading and Writing Workshop:  This week in Reading and Writing workshop, we will be reading Expository texts and learning about the Research process.  We will apply this knowledge when we begin our class Research project on Chicks!  After that, the students will be picking their own topic to research.

Word Study: 
Green:  et, eg and en Word Families
Blue:  pr, tr, and dr Blends
Red:  Short -u and Long u (CVCe and CVVC)

Science:  This week in science we will continue our Animals unit.  We will focus on Mammals this week.  We will learn about the mammals’ body parts, life cycle, how mammals depend on the different things in their habitat, and last, we will learn what makes mammal babies so different from all other animals’. 

Habit #3 Put First Things First:  I spend my time on things that are most important.  I set priorities.  I work first then play.

Holy moly!  We had a lot of chicks hatch and we had so much FUN!

*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
April 18:  No School- Good Friday
April 22-23:  STAAR Testing-NO VISITORS
May 1:  Field Trip to ZACH Theater
             Talent Show (K-3)
May 2:  Field Day
            Talent Show (4-5)
May 5-9:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Early Release Day
May 9:  Career Day
May 12-16:  Book Fair
May 26:  No School-Memorial Day
May 29:  End of the Year Party

May 30:  Last day of school!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

April 7-11, 2014

Math:  This week we will continue our study of measurement.  We will be learning to measure with "inchworms", baby steps and Frog jumps.  Non-standard measurement prepares students to use standard and metric measurement in 2nd grade and on.  Measuring thing at home helps students to create meaningful experiences with measurement.  Have your child help plan the garden this year.  How many foot steps does each plant need to grow? How much water should we give each plant?  How tall is our plant when we put it in the ground?  How tall does it grow over time?  Enjoy measuring!

Reading and Writing Workshop:  This week in Reading and Writing workshop, we will be reading Expository texts and learning about the Research process.  We will apply this knowledge when we begin our class Research project on Chicks!  After that, the students will be picking their own topic to research.

Word Study: 
Green:  op, ot and og Word Families
Blue:  gr, gl, br, and bl Blends
Red:  Short -o and Long o (CVCe and CVVC)

Science:  This week in science we will continue our Animals unit.  We will focus on Birds this week.  We will learn about the body parts of a bird and how the bird uses them to survive in their habitat.  We will learn about the life cycle of the bird.  We will also learn about how a bird depends on the things around it to survive.  This is called interdependence.

Habit #3 Put First Things First:  I spend my time on things that are most important.  I set priorities.  I work first then play.


*Please remember to send a healthy snack every day.  Snack time is @ 9:30am.
*Make sure your child wears tennis shoes every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.
*Library day is Tuesday.
*Please remember to send back your child’s orange folder and homework bag every day.
*It helps me tremendously if you leave the reading response notebook and books in the homework bag every day.  We use them at school!

Dates to remember:
April 10:  Chicks will begin to Hatch!
April 18:  No School- Good Friday
April 22-23:  STAAR Testing-NO VISITORS
May 1:  Field Trip to ZACH Theater
             Talent Show (K-3)
May 2:  Field Day
            Talent Show (4-5)
May 5-9:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 7:  Early Release Day
May 9:  Career Day
May 12-16:  Book Fair
May 26:  No School-Memorial Day
May 29:  End of the Year Party

May 30:  Last day of school!