Friday, September 20, 2013

September 23-27

In this unit, students will consolidate prerequisite skills as a continuation of the math skills they began to develop in kindergarten.
Students will practice and demonstrate their ability to subitize, or instantly recognize sets of objects (such as dots) in patterned arrangements and to tell how many without counting. Students will continue to develop their conceptual understanding of the relationships between the numbers 1-10 and the anchor numbers of 5 and 10 and will use five-frames and ten-frames in problem solving. Students will practice and develop an understanding of how to compose and decompose numbers 0 – 120 using concrete and pictorial representations. Students will count up and back between 1 and 120.
Students will continue to develop their ability to conceptualize a number as being made up of two or more parts and their understanding of the part-part-whole model and related number relationships. They will also continue to explore, in this unit and throughout the year, a variety of addition/subtraction problem situations including joining, separating, part-part-whole, and comparing, with different unknowns: result/change/start, or part/whole or difference, in order to develop an understanding of the operations of addition and subtraction. Sums and differences are limited to 20. Students will generate a problem solving situation from a given number sentence and use concrete and pictorial models to solve problems using addition and subtraction with whole numbers to 20.

Reading Workshop: 
This week in Reading Workshop we will focus on Reading-to-Someone strategies and creating an anchor chart to review in our classroom.  We will learn how to choose books for partner reading when we want to share the same book and how to read with someone when we read different stories.  We will learn and practice "I Read, You Read" working on the reading strategy summarizing what our partner reads.  This will take good listening skills as we learn how to summarize what our partner reads to us.  You can practice this technique at home asking your child to teach you how to 'Read to Someone' at home!  We will continue our reading one-on-one reading assessments this week hoping next week we will begin our guided reading lessons.

Writing Workshop:
As we continue to dig deeper into the writing process, we will learn more about writing complete sentences that begin with capital letters and end with punctuation. We will learn that every sentence must contain a noun and a verb. We will practice using finger spaces between our words and stretching out each sound in our words in order to spell the best that we can. Believe me, we are building and strengthening our skills in Writer's Workshop!

In Science we will learn continue to learn about matter.  Matter is everything around us.  Matter can be observed, described, and classified based on its physical characteristics.  Matter exists as a solid, liquid and gas.  A solid is a matter that keeps its shape.  A liquid is a matter that flows, and takes the shape of its container.   Gas is a form of matter that takes up space like air. 

Habit #3:  Put First Things First:

Habit #3 teaches kids to set priorities and to do the most important things first.  Talk with your child about priorities they have at home (cleaning up their toys, brushing their teeth, etc…) and remind them to Put First Things First at home.


Here is the sign up genius you can go to in order to sign up for your child's conference.  Thanks! 

I will have 2 classroom volunteers per month.  I will assign the volunteers for the month and they will just come up when they can.  

*PE will be on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  Please wear tennis shoes those days!
*Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
*Library will be on Tuesdays.  Please send books back by this day!

Important Dates:
September 25:  Early Release @ 12:45
September 25:  Skate Night @ 6:30
October 10:  Spirit Night @ Catfish Parlour @ 5:00
October 14:  Student Holiday
October 18:  Hoot Family Picnic @ 6:00
October 30:  Early Release @ 12:45

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