Monday, October 6, 2014

October 6-10, 2014

International Bike & Walk to School Day
Wednesday, Oct. 8th is the International Bike and walk to School. You can walk, bike,

scooter, skip or DANCE to school!  Just make sure you get counted by an adult on the way in. The class with the highest participation wins a healthy snack from HEB and the glory of being mentioned on the K-OWL news.

In the spirit of fun and with the idea that play is the best exercise for kids, we’ll be doing a DANCEWALK down Carlwood for any students or families that would like to join us!  I have morning duty that morning but please join Mrs. Letendre, Mrs. Bailey, and dancewalk together to school.  They will meet where Carlwood hits Fireoak at 7:15 and start the dancewalk to school at 7:20. It would be so much fun if you can join them!

 Here is what we will be doing this week:

Reading is thinking and as we read, we will learn how to think about the story or the information we are reading about.  Readers make connections between the story and themselves.  The story might remind them of something in their own life.  We call this text to self connection.  Sometimes we can make connection between one story and another story, meaning one story reminds us of another story that we previously read.  This is called text to text connection.  And sometimes we can make connections between text and the world or something that has happened in the world.  We call this text to world connection.  These comprehension strategies will help us to understand the text better. 

We have been writing great stories/small moments about our lives.  This week, we will learn how to reread and revisit our stories and make any changes that would make our stories much better before publishing it.  We will learn to read our stories carefully to make sure our stories make sense.  In the process, sometimes we need to add to our stories and sometimes we need to take off from our stories.  We will learn to fancy up our stories, by adding to our pictures, coloring neatly and writing neatly and then publishing our stories!

This week we will become familiar with a sort from Words Their Way (the program we use to supplement our phonics instruction.  

This week we will continue working on addition and count on strategies.  We will use a number track and show what happens when we jump from a number one step, two steps, or zero step (count on zero).  If we jump from 13, two steps further and land on 15, the matching number sentence will be 13+2=15.  We will apply these strategies in problem solving. We will also look at the "turn around" and see that 13+2 is actually the same as 2+13.  It might look different on the number track as far as where to start, but it lands on the same number.

In science we will learn about properties of objects.  We will learn that we can use our five senses such as see, hear, smell, touch, and taste to explore the objects around us.  Properties are characteristics of objects.  These characteristics include color, texture, size, weight and shape.  

Habit #3:  Put First Things First
I spend my time on the that are the most important.  I set priorities.

*Specials- A Group:  PE on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
               B Group:  PE on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
**Wear tennis shoes for sure on these days!!!!
*Library- Tuesday 11-11:30
*Send orange folders back every day.
*Send a healthy snack with your child every day.  We will eat snack at 10:30

Dates to Remember:
October 8:  Family Spirit Night @ Catfish Parlour
October 13:  No School
October 16:  Science Night
October 25:  Harvest Festival
October 29:  Early Release Day dismissal @12:45
November 24-28:  Thanksgiving Break
December 3:  Early Release Day dismissal @12:45
December 8-12:  Book Fair
December 19:  Winter Break begins

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