Monday, May 2, 2016

May 2-6, 2016

Thank you for sending the signed registration forms for the next school year back to me.  If you still have not had a chance to sign and return it to me, please send them my way this week.  Thank you!

Our students in 2nd grade are holding a fundraiser to help the animals in Austin Zoo. To raise awareness about their fundraising project, they are asking all grade levels to wear special clothes each day (this activity is optional).

Monday: Hats Off to Helping- Wear a crazy hat to school

Tuesday: Socks for Snakes- Wear mixed up socks
Wednesday: Tattoos for Tigers- Wear stripes.
Thursday: Operation Ocean- Wear blue of all shades
Friday: PJs for Pandas- wear your PJs and enjoy a movie showing during lunch in the cafeteria (PJs optional)

I will be doing the End of the Year Reading Assessment starting this week until May 20th.
 This is a time that I will be reading with each child individually to assess their reading level and readiness for next year.  For this reason, I will not be sending any more reading folders home.  Please continue to visit the library (public or school library) and encourage your child to use RAZ-kids to read at home.  Your child knows that they need to complete the quiz for each book before moving on to the next book or next level.  The RAZ-kids username and passwords were sent home in November.  Please let me know if you are missing your child's username or password.

Our first graders have been hard at work learning and discussing about growing manageable, non-traditional gardens. Last week we had a guest speaker who grows small vegetable gardens.  She showed us pictures of her garden and talked to us about the process which started with growing mini-gardens in egg cartons, and then transferring the growing sprouts into bigger containers or spaces.  Growing our own garden has so many benefits.  Not only we could have quick access to fresh and organic vegetables, we would also save money and time spending in grocery stores. Our students will be thinking about designing a mini garden and presenting their learning and ideas about non-traditional gardens in different ways such as making posters or brochures. 

We will continue reading fiction and non-fiction stories and review different comprehension strategies that we have been working on this year.  In writing, we will be working on some heartwarming mother's day projects and use all of our writing and art skills to say thank you to our wonderful moms.
We will continue on composing and decomposing numbers.  For example, there are so many ways to show 18, such as, 9+9, 10+8, 9+8+1, 8+8+2, 7+8+3, ....The options are so many and for our students to have a strong number sense, they need to be able to see what other smaller numbers can come together to make bigger numbers.  We will use coins such as dimes and nickles to count by 5's and 10's. Our students should be able to count by 1's, 2's, 5's and 10's from any given number from 1 to 120.  For example, starting from 35, counting by 5's to 120 or starting from 48 and counting by 2's to 120. Thank you for reinforcing these skills at home.

Last week, we learned about plants, their parts and what each part does.
 This week, we learn about seeds and how they grow.  We will grow a few seeds in the classroom and observe the growing sprout and its parts (roots, stem and leaves).

Thank you for supporting your child's learning at home.
 Your child's success and education is a result of, us working together! So thank you for being a partner in your child's learning!

*Tuesday folders come home.  Please sign and return the folders the next day.
*Agendas:  Please initial the behavior calendar and send it back every day.
*Snack:  Please send a healthy snack with your child every day.
*PE:  Group A will have PE on Monday, Wednesday, & Friday.
       Group B will have PE on Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday.
          *Please make sure your child wears Tennis shoes on those days*
        *You can see what group your child is in on the right side of this blog*
*No more school Library check out!
*Homework bags come back to school every day.  Please leave the books and response notebook in the bag.  We will use them during the day at school!

May 2-6:  Teacher Appreciation Week
May 4:  Early Release @ 12:45
May 9-11:  STAAR testing (no visitors on campus these days!)
May 16-20:  Book Fair
May 19:  Spring Open House
May 20:  Field Day
May 27:  Career Fair
May 30:  No School- Memorial Day

June 2:  End of the Year Party, Last day of School

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